

With the 2024 election slowly creeping into view, a revitalised Labour party under Keir Starmer looks set to register its first victory in nearly two decades. But having spent such a long time out of power – at least in Westminster – how can Labour ensure that it brings about change as effectively and efficiently as possible?

Earlier this year, FEPS and the Fabian Society asked politicians and activists from across Europe for words of advice for UK Labour. The responses bring together insights from as far afield as Galați in eastern Romania and as close to home as the Labour government in Wales.

The policies expounded in this collection can serve not only as a blueprint for a future Labour government, but as an inspiration to all of us – reminding us that, when progressives are in power, they can reshape society for the better.

Fabian Society
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In the media

Sluta tro att SD-männen bara skojar om politiken

by AFTONBLADET 30/05/2023
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