Ones to Watch

FEPS, with the support of Fundația Stânga Democratică, brought the members of the ‘Ones to […]

15 - 17/11/2023
09:00 - 19:00
Bucharest, Romania (Training)
Ones to Watch

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FEPS, with the support of Fundația Stânga Democratică, brought the members of the ‘Ones to Watch’ Programme in Bucharest, Romania, on 15-17 November 2023 for a “bridge” meeting of the current cycle. This gathering marked the conclusion of the 2nd cycle and set the stage for the commencement of the new one.

The ‘Ones to Watch‘ programme, launched in 2015, is an initiative addressed to already elected politicians in the Central and Eastern Europe region., who fall within the age range of 30-45 and who are considered as “the most promising” individuals by the nominating FEPS member foundations.

Within the framework of FEPS, this network meets two to three times per year. Each session is hosted in a different capital within the region and is facilitated with the support of the respective FEPS member foundation. These seminars are structured around three key components: engaging with stakeholders and politicians from the host country, internal collaboration within thematic ad hoc working groups, and a range of pertinent cultural activities.

For any further information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with FEPS Director for Research and Training,  Ania Skzyprek ( and/or Céline Guedes ( FEPS Project Officer.

Fundația Stânga Democratică
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