FEPS Young Academics Network


At the end of October, FEPS Young Academics Network met for the 6th seminar, which thanks to the hospitality of Renner Institute was held, as always, in Vienna. The meeting was composed of two parts. During the first one, both the plenary and the thematic working groups were a chance to advance on the work over the content.

There are currently 6 topics that the FEPS YAN are respectively working on, hoping that their research will result in a number of papers in spring 2012. The criteria are: innovative, credible and tangible proposals as far as the future of Europe and progressive agendas are concerned. He second pillar, was solely devoted to the Network and its developments. This time was used by the participants to learn about “feedback giving” techniques, as also to speak about the future plans and ambitions for FEPS YAN.

The FEPS YAN will be recruiting soon young academics (PhD candidates and PhDs), who are experts in two fields: energy policies and environment, as also labour policies (especially as far as research on unemployment is concerned).

For more information please contact FEPS YAN managing coordinators – FEPS Policy Advisors: A.Skrzypek or J.Tanczos

Karl Renner Institut
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