EU has disappeared from the front pages in Turkey


After the visit to Kosovo, the aim of the mission organised by FEPS and the European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity in Turkey from 26 to 29 March 2012 was several folded. It included discussion about the official standpoint on the EU accession with government officials from the Ministry of Justice and Ministry for Foreign Affairs, meeting with high-level representatives of the political partners in the region, gathering information on the public opinion on the perception of the EU, meeting with civil society organizations in order to receive a larger point of view on the current situation concerning the EU enlargement process and – last, but not least – debating areas of specific concerns (such as constitutional reforms, minority rights, freedom of expression, women’s rights) with stakeholders.

Content of the Report on the assessment visit to Turkey:

The main challenges: Summary
Jan Marinus Wiersma, Vice-President, European Forum

Changing times: EU-Turkish relations and foreign policy
Danijel Tadic, Project Manager, European Forum

Thinking the unthinkable: Political scenery and current reforms in Turkey
Judit Tánczos, Policy Advisor, FEPS

Read the PDF

European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity
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