Woman up!


Women’s representation in politics and business

Fourth transatlantic seminar on gender equality

18-19 October 2012, Brussels, Belgium


By hinting the introduction of obligatory quotas in the executive boards, the European Commission has at least achieved that the parity issue is not completely out of sight from the public debates at national and European level. Recent declarations by UN Women helped to raise the issue also at international level. It is far from being on the front pages of newspapers, but playing the card of the controversial quota issue brought some decent media coverage.

However, it would be very simplistic to see women’s representation as a question of quota use.

With the fourth Transatlantic gender seminar, FEPS aims to go beyond this approach. Its objective is to gather academics, business representatives and politicians from both sides of the Atlantic and create a platform for presenting their best and worst practices linked to the different stages of political or carrier empowerment.

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