Notice of vacancy: FEPS is recruiting a Policy Analyst on Democracy and Participation

Notice of vacancy: FEPS is recruiting a Policy Analyst on Democracy and Participation (6 months […]


Notice of vacancy: FEPS is recruiting a Policy Analyst on Democracy and Participation (6 months long determinate contract aimed at continuation with indeterminate contract)

Deadline for applications: 16.09.2021 noon CET

Download the Notice of vacancy in PDF

The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS – is currently looking for a Policy Analyst for a thematic field: democracy and participation.

The successful candidate is to join the FEPS Team based in Brussels from early October 2021 onwards (cf. selection timetable below).

About FEPS

FEPS is the leading think tank of the European centre left political family. It works with almost 50 Member political Foundations and think tanks across Europe. It embodies a new way of thinking on the social democratic, socialist and progressive scene in Europe. It seeks to serve as a platform for innovative research, policy advice, training and debates to tackle the long- and short-term challenges that Europe and European integration faces today. It strives for more and better-quality democracy in Europe

To do so, it forges connections and coherence among stakeholders from local, regional, national, European and global levels, and fosters dialogue of between diverse stakeholders from the world of politics, academia and civil society.

FEPS’ work is in most cases carried out in the form of projects with its Members and partners. The outputs of said projects feed into the work of the broader progressive family – starting with the Party of European Socialists (PES), the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), their constituents and Member parties, as well as in the broader public debate.

Reporting Line:

FEPS’ Policy Analysts report daily to the delegate of the Secretary General (i.e. the Director appointed to supervise the thematic field in question)

Mission of the role:

The mission of the Policy Analyst is to substantiate FEPS’ work on democracy with particular attention given to issues of participation, distributive justice and responsible leadership. S/he will represent FEPS’ expertise in the field. To do so, the Policy Analyst will steer a portfolio of FEPS (co-)funded projects (including its development and consolidation) aimed at impacting policies, political debates and/or public awareness related to defending and deepening of democracy.

This is – amongst other – understood today as connecting the social democratic ideals of democracy with a polity in which policies are developed and implemented in the pursuit of genuine equality and a modern social contract fostering solidarity, democratic accountability of institutions, input, throughput and output legitimacy as well as proactive involvement of citizens.

Main tasks:

  • Monitor key trends and major debates (both political and academic) regarding the state and future of democracy primarily in EU context, at various levels, ensuring in a long term FEPS capacity to provide innovative analyses, implement impactful projects and propose pioneering ideas
  • Provide FEPS leadership and network of foundations with insight and analysis relevant for the protection and deepening of democracy (in Europe and beyond)
  • Develop, organise and manage FEPS’ network of stakeholders, primarily FEPS’ Members and partners to foster cooperation on democracy and participation related content
  • Organize expert meetings and input for the benefit of FEPS projects and activities
  • Inform, frame, lead the implementation and follow up on FEPS’ projects and activities in compliance with applicable rules and procedures
  • Coordinate the drafting of policy related content within a variety of formats (e.g. policy briefs, policy studies, project summaries, briefing notes, etc.).
  • Liaise with EU institutional and political stakeholders, as also with trade unions and civil society organisations with the view to influence agendas.
  • Produce strategic input for FEPS’ Annual Framework Activity Programme
  • Support FEPS with an expertise regarding (electoral) data analyses and design of surveys
  • Contribute to the coherent articulation of projects and activities (to be) enshrined in the FEPS’ Annual Work Plan
  • Represent FEPS’ views as assigned

The ideal candidate will have the following profile:

  • At least an MA or MSc degree in a relevant field. A PhD will be considered a further asset
  • Knowledge and interest for EU affairs and political sensitivity
  • At least 5 years professional experience in a field connected to democracy and participation, with in-depth knowledge of the European political, institutional and party systems; and an understanding of the contemporary challenges of the representative, participatory and deliberative democracies
  • Proven expertise in quantitative and qualitative research, data analyses and surveys design
  • Innovative and out-of-the-box thinking
  • Capacity to follow developments at international, European, national, regional and local levels, and analyse relevant trends across political, economic and social dimensions.
  • Experience in overseeing and managing multi-stakeholders’ projects.
  • Written and oral proficiency in English and in a second European language. Any additional European language will be considered an asset
  • Proven ability to draft analysis, research and policy recommendations
  • High organisational and time-management skills
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Advanced interpersonal and social skills
  • Exceptional team player with a strong ability to contribute positively to a team environment
  • Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines
  • Readiness to occasionally travel and adapt to flexible working hours

Employment conditions:

The position is to be filled out as from early October 2021 onwards.

The duration of the contract is determinate; 6 months, and aimed at being continued in the form of an indeterminate contract (CDI).

The salary – which is paid on a 13,9 months per year basis – will be discussed depending on experience and qualifications. It is part of a generous remuneration package (including benefits such as: a complementary pension scheme, DKV hospitalization insurance, public transport compensation, a professional phone including the right to use it for private purposes and ecocheques).

The workplace will be Brussels (Belgium): applicants must be able to work and reside in Belgium.

As FEPS is registered in Belgium, the contract will be under Belgian law.

Applications’ composition and deadline:

Please send your application via email (in English) to by Thursday the 16th of September 2021 at noon CET.

The title of your application email should follow this naming convention:
NAME_Surname_Application_FEPS_Policy Analyst_Democracy.

The application should contain:

  • A cover letter outlining your motivation for the post and your understanding of progressive values (maximum 2 pages)
  • A detailed CV (Europass format)
  • A sample of work authored in the thematic field covered by the present notice (links or attached)
  • The name of 2 referees with the related contact details

Applications not respecting the instructions for completing and submitting the application will not be considered.

The selection timetable will be the following:

  • Deadline for submission of complete applications: 16.09.2021 noon CET
  • Eligibility check and first assessment of written applications
    • This will result in a shortlist of no more than 10 candidates who will be invited for the subsequent step. Candidates preselected at this stage will be requested to provide a Criminal Record Extract (i.e. “Certificat de Bonne Vie et Moeurs” in Belgium) as well as a transcript of the highest degree obtained
  • First round of online interviews of candidates with a panel including FEPS’ management and expert(s) followed by a written test will take place between 22.09.2021 and 24.09.2021
    • This will result in a shortlist of no more than 3-4 candidates who will be invited for the subsequent step
  • Second interview of shortlisted candidates with a minima FEPS Secretary General will take place between 28.09.2021 and 30.09.2021
  • Communication of the final results to candidates: early October 2021

During the entire selection procedure, FEPS is absolutely committed to providing equal opportunities for everyone regardless of their background. We value diversity and lived experience, and acknowledge the underrepresentation of people from certain backgrounds. We strive to provide an inclusive and supportive working environment where all employees feel respected and supported in fulfilling their potential. The equal opportunity principle encourages all qualified candidates to apply regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, origins or disabilities.

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