Women up! – Call for academic papers

The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and SOLIDAR would like to launch a Call […]


The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and SOLIDAR would like to launch a Call for academic papers to be included in the publication “Woman up! For enhancing women’s rights in the Middle East and North Africa”. The aim of the publication is to define the main challenges in the promotion of women’s rights and gender equality and enhancing equal participation of women in social, democratic, economic, political and cultural life. This Call for papers is launched in the framework of the joint research programme of both organisations, carried out under the patronage of Zita Gurmai, Member of European Parliament, PES Women President and FEPS Vice-President.


The call is open for independent thinkers, journalists, academics and researchers from the MENA region. Successful candidates will be required to deliver an academic paper on one of the following specific topics:

  • Society and mentality change: raising awareness on gender equality and women rights,   women’s role and participation in society after the Arab springs, education and workers’ education for women
  • Encouraging legal change: putting an end to patriarchal provisions, advocacy for legislative changes, ending obedience laws, mainstreaming gender equality in all legislation
  • Enhancing pluralism: increasing women’s democratic and social participation by ensuring freedom of association, inclusion of women in existing associations and organisation, strengthening women in occupying leader positions in organisations
  • Supporting economic empowerment: vulnerability of women on the labour market, specific challenges for providing decent work for women, specific social protection provisions for women


The paper needs to be between 20.000 – 30.000 characters, written in font Arial, letter size 10 with 1.5 line spacing. The article should be accompanied by a list of references in APA format. Successful candidates will be offered 200 Euro honorarium after the final version of their paper will be accepted for publication


Please, send the abstracts by 21 October 2013 to both Judit Tánczos, FEPS Policy Advisor at judit.tanczos@feps-europe.eu and Margot Vingerhoedt, SOLIDAR International Cooperation Officer (margot.vingerhoedt@solidar.org). They can be also contacted with further questions concerning this Call.

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