Call for tender: Study on Millennial’s perceptions towards Europe

STUDY ON MILLENNIAL’S PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS EUROPE Brussels, 15th January 2018   Deadline: 15th FEBRUARY 2018  The […]



Brussels, 15th January 2018


Deadline: 15th FEBRUARY 2018 

The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) invites interested stakeholders to submit proposals on a survey- based study that aims to map the perceptions of the Millennial generation (citizens aged 15-34 and born around 1980- 2000) towards the European Union (institutions, policy-making, political standpoints and / or actions).

Purpose of the project:

The main goal of the project that FEPS (in cooperation with potential partners) wishes to implement is to conduct a Europe- an survey that aims to gather insights on the aspirations and issues of the Millennial generation towards Europe and how they perceive the European Union and European integration.

In light of the existing Millennial Dialogue project of FEPS ( we would like to engage in a con- versation with the Millennials on the Future of Europe debate and to collect their views on the burning questions that top the European agenda such as migration crisis, trade policy, energy policy, unemployment as well as on EU youth-related programs such as the Youth Guarantee Scheme and the Erasmus + program. In short, we wish to poll young European views ahead of the forthcoming 2019 European elections

For the Millennials Europe project we wish to conduct research in at least six European countries (ensuring the North/South/East/West representation) and therefore we would welcome project submissions with quotes (in EUR) that would account: EU 27 / EU 15 / EU 6 (with a justified and geographically balanced selection of EU member states).

With the data gathered we expect a ensuing forward looking political analysis on where young people stand in terms of their electoral preferences ahead of the 2019 European elections.

Specific features

Ability to design and implement online surveys that combine quantitative and qualitative sampling (qualitative engagement and or focus group researches would be a plus);

Analyse the collected data and map the insights of this demographics’ political concerns or issues towards Europe and European integration;

Summarise survey results and ensuing political analysis with stimulating and youthful designs;
Convey a strategic polling, which will take into account the existing policy agenda for young people as well as the on-going Future of Europe debate.

Provide a creative layout of the research if your agency is interested in working with us. Please send your application including a presentation on your approach for the survey, and other main projects you have done together with a quote in EUR (in pdf, word or ppt format), to Maria Freitas, FEPS Policy Advisor and Millennial Dialogue coordinator at by 15th February 2018 with the subject: Millennials Europe – Project proposal. 

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