FEPS Newsletter 2 Feb 2024 – elections, youth, democracy, workers’ rights & AI, social pillar and more!

📅 FEPS Newsletter: elections, youth, democracy, workers' rights & AI, social pillar and more!
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🗳 In this super-electoral year, our attention also focuses on the relationship between youth and democracy and the myths around it: Are young people really disinterested in democracy and even distrust the democratic system? Is this distrust pushing them towards the far right?

Youth is not just about the future, it’s about the present. So is the digital transition, which is already having a massive impact on workers’ rights and living conditions.

We strongly believe it is possible to govern progressively in these turbulent times. To do so, the Social Pillar must remain a guiding compass, both in this pre-electoral period and during the next mandate!

These are some of the key ideas of our weekly recap, check it out!
Youth support for democracy in Europe
Democracy in the face of disadvantage

23 January – FEPS HQ

Are young people really disinterested in democracy? To answer this question, we launched the survey ‘How young people facing disadvantage view democracy in Europe‘, which unpacked myths that young people facing disadvantage are disengaged from democracy.

This survey delves into the perceptions of over 100 young people from disadvantaged backgrounds on politics and democracy in Ireland, Poland, and Spain, with complimentary case studies in Hungary and France.

Alongside Fundacion Felipe González, Fondation Jean-Jaurès, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and Szociális Demokráciáért Intézet, we explored what needed to be done to integrate better young people and protect democracy.

To discuss this crucial topic, we were joined by
Shana Cohen, Director of TASC; Sofie Amalie Stage, Secretary General of the Young European Socialists; Özgecan Kara, Director of Policy and Advocacy at European Youth Forum, as well as authors from the research.

18 January – Copenhagen, Denmark

All workers should be guaranteed basic employment terms, such as labour contracts or social security. However, the “gig economy” presents a different reality. With approximately 28 million people in the EU engaged in digital labour platforms, there are notable concerns regarding their rights.

We presented the first publication of FEPS ‘Digital Programme: Algorithms at the workplace‘ in an expert roundtable with our Nordic partners in Copenhagen. Drawing upon quantitative data from Denmark, the policy study highlights the strategies employed by platform companies to circumvent labour and tax regulations. This knowledge is crucial for informing and shaping the policy discourse at both the European and Danish levels, notably in clarifying distinctions between employed and self-employed workers.
23 January – Helsinki, Finland

How do algorithmic management techniques impact workers’ rights? Alongside our Nordic partners, we shared the results of our research on ‘Algorithms by and for the Workers‘ with experts in the field in Helsinki. According to this publication, digital innovation process requires worker agency and participation, and co-determination must be institutionalised.

This is the second publication of the Digital Research Programme, focused on the effects of AI in the workplace on workers.
The European Pillar of Social Rights
Turning principles into practice

12 February Austrian Permanent Representation, Brussels

The implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights 20 thematic principles and rights must be safeguarded.

Given the redesign of EU economic governance, the start of a new legislature in Brussels in 2024, the upcoming EPSR review of 2025, and in the context of the war in Ukraine, the ‘cost-of-living’ crisis, the transitions, and the splintering of the political landscape, the significance of the Social Pillar as both a guiding compass and counter-crisis narrative has never been more critical.

FEPS, Solidar, AK EUROPA, Social Platform and the European Policy Centre bring together policymakers, trade unions, civil society representatives, academics, and experts to engage in a critical discussion about the future of the EPSR and its pivotal role in shaping the EU’s social policies.

Join us as we unveil the results of a policy study analysing the progress of women in leadership positions in Europe’s civil society organisations (CSO). This study, the first-ever study of its kind, identifies remaining barriers and new opportunities for women CSO leaders in achieving systemic change in Europe.

The co-authors of this study, prepared by FEPS, FES, Green European Foundation and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung EU, will showcase their research from nearly 150 comprehensive interviews with women CSO leaders. The findings include policy recommendations to foster an enabling environment, addressing funding and societal norms to support the thriving of women leaders.

Have you successfully coordinated research projects? Are you passionate about advancing Feminist Foreign Policy? Do you possess a robust network?

We are actively seeking a proficient research project manager and networking coordinator to help us implement the project “European Feminist Foreign Policy: Doing Foreign Policy for All?”.

Interested? Apply before the 16 February 2024!

In this super-electoral year, a question keep reoccurring: can one govern in a distinctive progressive manner in turbulent times such as the contemporary ones?

This new dossier wants to remind Progressives that, though the centre-left has had some hardships and is looking at some tough national elections again, there is a certainty that what may elevate them and keep them in power is their integrity and daring political imagination.
Read more.
Photo credits: Shutterstock.com / Fernando Astasio Avila
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