FEPS Weekly Newsletter 18 Feb 2022

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FEPS Weekly Newsletter
📅Progressive events, publications, news, articles & more!
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Upcoming Events
European Health Union – not wishful thinking but a reflection of Europeans’ real concerns
Monday 21 February, 14:00 – 15:30

Since health is a member states competence, there is a wide gap between the health systems and expenditures among EU countries. But the majority of Europeans insist that healthcare should be included in the list of most important decisions (Eurobarometer). The time has come to make European health a priority!

Join this event by FEPS and the European Institute of Health and Sustainable Development, in partnership with Euractiv, where participants will address proposals on how to create a European Health Union and establish it in the Treaty on European Union.
Child guarantee in Hungary

One out of four children in Europe lives in poverty or is at risk of poverty and social exclusion. That is why socialists and social democrats in the EU proposed the European Child Guarantee.

This hybrid public conference looked at the implementation of the Child Guarantee in Hungary. It is the first of a series of events.

Organised by FEPS, the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions and the Szociális Demokráciáért Intézet (Institute for Social Democracy).
By Ben Cooper, Luke Raikes

This Policy Study investigates respondents’ perceptions on how relevant climate change is compared to other policy issues and on particular policy measures and narratives.

It finds that although the public is concerned about climate change and want action, other policy areas such as the economy, health or Brexit are prioritised. Furthermore, environmental concerns vary with age, education, political alignment, and social class.

On job creation, for example, there is still considerable confusion over the impact of climate action on jobs and the terminology used (i.e. green jobs, net zero).

Find out more about
UK Survey | Irish Survey | Talking Green series
Strategic Autonomy

This week, we also released a new series of Policy Studies by promising pre-PhD and post-Doc progressive scholars from all across Europe, who were part of the 7th cycle of the FEPS Young Academics Network (FEPS YAN).

The series covers themes such as: EU Green Deal, Remote Work, EU Basic Income, European Investment Bank, Trade Unions, Social Europe and the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Join the FEPS YAN community! If you are a young PhD candidate or a researcher, don’t miss this opportunity! Call for New Members

Visit FEPS YAN new website!
Strategic Autonomy

On the occasion of the ongoing EU-AU Summit in Brussels (17-18 February), we release the French translation of this Policy Brief series.

This joint work by FEPS and Fondation Jean Jaurès (FJJ), in coordination with the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), analyses policy recommendations for AU and EU policy-makers and stakeholders, suggesting the way forward to upgrade cooperation to a balanced and inclusive partnership.

Read the Policy Brief Series in English and French.
by Ottilia Anna Maunganidze

The relationship between Africa and Europe is one that cannot be avoided. Joined by geography, history, politics and economy, the only way to ensure a sustainable relationship is by working as partners in identifying areas of engagement for mutual benefit. Agreeing on improved ways of working together will be the real win. Read more

Cedric Wermuth, Co-Chair of the Swiss Socialist Party, engages in a conversation with Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training. They talked about why ideological integrity matters so much, how to translate an ambitious equality agenda into concrete economic proposals, and how to move on from the persistent cliff-hanger in EU – Switzerland negotiations.

🎧 Listen to this podcast on Spotify | Apple Podcast | Website

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In the media

Foundation for European Progressive Studies recommends introduction of minimum tax on capital income in EU

In its 'Europe Daily Bulletin', the press agency Agence Europe features FEPS’ latest policy study, 'Tackling Tax Avoidance', which underscores the need for a minimum tax on capital income in the EU.

Nedostatak brižnosti

by Vox Feminae 04/02/2025
"Lack of care" The Croatian feminist magazine Vox Feminae highlights the chapter by Annica Kronsell in FEPS book "A new Gender Equality Contract for Europe", which is dedicated to imagining a new gender contract for the climate

Suomi on poikkeuksellisen herkkä menettämään verotuloja muiden maiden verohelpotusten takia

by Helsingin Sanomat 04/02/2025
Discussing the findings from the policy study "Tackling tax avoidance" with Kalevi Sorsa Foundation

Brussels promises to make red tape disappear – Brussels my love

by Euronews 03/02/2025
FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues participated in this episode of Euronews’ show ‘Brussels my love’ on EU car industry, the cost of living, inflation, and public transport.