FEPS Weekly Newsletter 24 June 2022

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FEPS Weekly Newsletter
📅AI, Data, Strategic Autonomy, Talking Green, Western Balkans, China-Russia & more
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Upcoming Events
5, 6 & 7 July, 8:30 – Online

FEPS, together with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Fondation Jean-Jaurès (FJJ) invite you to a series of virtual breakfast briefings, open to the public, to discuss Strategic Autonomy from three dimensions, which are the building blocks of our collaborative flagship project Strategic Autonomy – Pathways to Progressive Action.

FEPS #DataTalks II: Data-sharing for sustainability purposes
In cooperation with Miapetra Kumpula-Natri
30 June, Brussels

In this second #DataTalks policy breakfast, we will discuss data-sharing for sustainability purposes, with specific attention to data-sharing requirements between businesses. New data governance frameworks can hold great potential for an ecological transformation of our economy, by supporting sustainable production and consumption patterns. But will the Data Act and other upcoming EU laws deliver on this?

Based on FEPS upcoming paper ‘Sustainable Digital Market Design’, Philipp Staab and Dominik Piétron, respectively Professor and Research Associate at the Humboldt University Berlin, will kick off the discussion. Luc Hendrickx, Director at SMEunited, will sketch to what extent the B2B provisions of the proposed Data Act correspond with the imperative of a circular economy.
The (im) possibility of an island?
21 June, Barcelona

We investigated the EU’s approach to ethical AI. Can it work in an international context that some call an ‘AI Cold War’? And will the EU’s and other countries’ plans to regulate AI be successful, or will they ‘kill innovation’ as is often heard? This panel busted some myths.

We also looked beyond regulation. The field of AI is centralised, with a handful of global firms determining the shape of tech development. What would facilitate the emergence of an ecosystem of AI firms and NGOs that are aligned with the public interest?

Talking Green in Europe Lessons on re-framing the public debate on the climate crisis

by Andreas Dimmelmeier

What is the best way to communicate about the climate crisis? Some messages “preach to the converted” but fail to convince. This new Policy Brief of the #TalkingGreen research project asks how progressive actors can communicate about the climate crisis in a way that resonates with people from different backgrounds.

The brief argues that policy proposals for a just transition do not automatically garner public support. To build trust for their proposals, progressives also need to re-frame the public discourse. Read more

ℹ️The #TalkingGreen project, launched in 2021 by FEPS, the Fabian Society, TASC, Progressive Hungary Foundation, and the Institute for Social Democracy, is a research project focused on how low and middle-income people perceive the green transition and consists of
surveys carried out in the United Kingdom, Ireland & Hungary.
Ahead of the European Council, progressive MEPs and MPs urged EU leaders to take resolute actions toward the Western Balkans

On 17 and 18 June, the ‘Friends of the Western Balkans’, the newly established network of social- democratic Members of Parliaments and Members of the European Parliament from across the EU, met for the first time in Sarajevo.

They committed to joining forces and promoting action to revitalise the EU enlargement to the Western Balkans, engaging with like-minded people all over the region and strengthening mutual understanding and friendship. Read more
This week’s European Council has taken crucial decisions concerning EU enlargement. The application of war-torn Ukraine has been in the spotlight and shadowed the Western Balkan countries’ aspirations, raising their legitimate concerns about their long-promised European perspective.

This dossier provides a glance at the current state of reform in the region in some crucial areas, namely the economy and rule of law. It also looks at the impact of the war in Ukraine on the international stance of a region that has been itself ravaged by fratricidal war and still carries deep scars. Overall, a situation that urgently calls for inclusion rather than exclusion from the EU.
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by Esther Lynch

Wages should never leave workers and their families living in poverty. However, that has been the reality for one in ten workers in Europe. The EU minimum wage directive is a step in the right direction for fairer wages across Europe.

Nonetheless, this directive is not an end in itself. More work needs to be done to maximise its potential benefit and ensure that wages are collectively bargained. Collective bargaining is a collective benefit: it means better outcomes for workers, the economy and society as a whole.
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#122 FEPS Talks Podcast
China-Russia cooperation and the war in Ukraine: a complex relation

What are China’s interests in this war? What does it have to win and, mostly, lose, and how shall we interpret reactions in the Global South?

Listen to the conversation between Prof. Arne Westad, Yale University & Aline Burni, FEPS Policy Analyst for International Relations.

Prof. Westad is an expert on modern international and global history, specialised in eastern Asia’s history since the 18th Century. In this episode, he explains the developments in China-Russia relations, raising awareness of the fact that it is much more complex than often understood.

He highlights that this is a crucial moment for progressives to influence future EU relations with China and Russia and points to some aspects to be considered, notably the challenge to gain more independence from China.

🎧 Listen to this podcast on Spotify | Apple Podcast | Website

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