
Severin RAPP

Severin Rapp is an economist, working on wealth inequality and intergenerational transfers. He is interested in improving the availability of evidence on the distribution of wealth and bequests. This includes unearthing new data and creating tools to make data from different sources and countries comparable. Moreover, he has done work on the consequences of wealth inequality and behavioral economics. Currently, he is a PhD candidate at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Alessandro LISCAI

Alessandro Liscai is researcher at Astrid Foundation, Associate Research Assistant in the Economic Policy and Jobs & Skills Unit at CEPS and member of the FEPS Young Academic Network. With an economic background, Alessandro focused his research on the evolution of the European economic governance, the Recovery and Resilience Facility, and the EU budget. His research interests encompass, as well, social policies, the impact of digital technologies on the labour market and on the health sector, and the EU industrial policy (with a particular focus on some strategic EU initiatives, related to critical raw materials and space economy). He researched these fields with quantitative and qualitative approaches, publishing several contributions and reports committed by EU institutions. Alessandro holds a Bachelor’s in Economics and Management at Luiss University, a Master of Science in Economics at Nova School of Business and Economics and a Master of Arts in European Economic Governance at Luiss School of European Political Economy.

Matilde CERON

Matilde Ceron is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair for Politics & Gender, Diversity & Equality at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg. She is an affiliated researcher of the Activating European citizens’ trust in times of crises and polarization (ActEU) and Push*Back*Lash Horizon Europe projects. Previously she held postdoctoral positions in political economy (University of Pavia) and political science (Luiss University) and was a Max Weber Fellow at the Robert Schuman Center of the European University Institute. She completed her PhD in Political Studies at the University of Milan (NASP) with a dissertation on the EU fiscal framework and the composition of public expenditures in the Member States. holds an MSc in Economics and Social Sciences from Bocconi University and an MA in Public Policy Analysis from the College of Europe. Her research interest clusters at the intersection of EU economic governance, fiscal policies, gender equality and representation. Her current project focuses on substantive representation and gender mainstreaming in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans.


Jan Bogusławski is a PhD student at Sciences Po Paris, researching the evolutions of the welfare state in Central and Eastern Europe. He also taught courses pertaining to social policy and comparative politics across two campuses of Sciences Po. Over the years, he has worked on various policy-related projects with multiple companies, NGOs (the German Marshall Fund of the US) and academic institutions (the College of Europe). Jan holds degrees from University College London, London School of Economics, and has been a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne and at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford. His writings have been featured in several media outlets, including Jacobin and Politico.



Dennis Gottschlich is a doctoral researcher in Economics at the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE). His broad research interests include labor economics, future of work and unintended side-effects of competition on workers. He is an applied empirical microeconomist and focus on mental health, social mobility and social capital. Currently he studies economic determinants of mental illnesses, and more general, in psychological distress. He is on deepen the knowledge in this fields to improve policies and highlight the importance of this underresearcherd topic mental health. His current research focuses on the nexus between austerity measures and depressions.



Paddy Siyanga Knudsen is a Zambian national with over 17 years of professional experience as a development economist. She holds a Master’s in Financial Economics from SOAS and a BSc in Development and Economics from the London School of Economics. Her work covers development cooperation, regional integration and migration governance. Her experience includes supporting governments, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), bilateral development partners, EU institutions, civil society and UN agencies in engagement strategies, research, programme formulation, implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation. On migration governance, she has worked with IOM, UNESCO, UNHCR, EU institutions, civil society, foundations and diaspora organisations in continental Europe, Jordan, China, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe as well as other assignments in West and East Africa. Her areas of interest in migration governance include labour migration, migration and development as well as diaspora engagement. She is a Vice President of the Global Research Forum on Diaspora & Transnationalism (GRFDT), a member of GFMD civil society International steering committee, a member of UN network on migration workstream on remittances/diaspora as well as a member of the GIZ Diaspora Advisory Board. She also coordinates the African nonstate actors’ platform on GFMD/GCM.


Angelica Vascotto is a pan-European Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), where she focuses her work on the Balkans, EU enlargement and security. She is also an Adjunct Professor of International Relations at Ca' Foscari University and a Teaching Assistant at the University of Trieste for IR and Strategic Studies. She obtained her PhD in Institutions and Policies in cotutelle agreement between the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan and the University of Sarajevo. She holds a MA in Conflict Resolution in Divided Societies from King's College London and a BA in Linguistic Sciences for International Relations from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.


Research Analyst, Bruegel


Social Policy Advisor, FES Brussels 


Deputy Head of Unit DG EMPL, European Commission
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