Rising European poverty and inequality

Policy Brief


Many Europeans have experienced decreases in living standards during the crisis, resulting in increases in inequality and poverty. These changes can be measured in many ways, such as changes in severe material deprivation and decile shares.

This policy brief measures this severe material deprivation rate as an indicator of poverty. Instead of looking at income, the severe material deprivation rate shows how individuals experience inadequate access to basic amenities. The rate is defined as the declared inability to pay for a certain number of necessary items such as rent and utility bills.

Read the Policy Viewpoint 

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by Le Club de Mediapart 29/10/2024
Article by Le Club Mediapart about the presentation of FEPS Primer's Greek edition, 'Social Europe: From Vision to Vigour' with László Andor and Björn Hacker in an event coorganised with ETERON in Athens.

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by Euronews 21/10/2024
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by EU News 16/10/2024
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