Delivering on the Child Guarantee

An assessment of the national plans' responses towards fighting inequalities in access to childcare

Policy Study


The EU recognises the role of childcare as an equaliser and essential component of the Pillar of Social Rights. As part of the initiatives launched to promote equal access to childcare, a mechanism of monitoring within the EU Semester has been put in place.

Member states must submit Child Guarantee National Action Plans (CGNAPs), identifying key actions to reach this objective, with means, financing and tools to assess progress. The objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of CGNAPs in addressing inequalities in access to childcare, taking four member states as case studies: Belgium, Finland, Italy and Spain.

The findings of the study suggest that, at present, CGNAPs might provide limited support for the promotion of equitable childcare policies across the EU, apart from a few member states that have invested in childcare provision through the Recovery and Resilience Facility, with action plans, and monitoring results and spending.

Progressives must continue to fight, in member states and EU institutions, for a Child Union, a union that recognises and invests in childcare as a right and the foundation of education and emancipation of European citizens in the 21st century. This is a paramount welfare policy to promote present and future fairness, prosperity and resilience of European societies and economies.

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