Expected labour market effects of the Green Deal Industrial Plan (1)

The potential of labour policy for Just Transition regions

Policy Study


This report assesses the Green Deal Industrial Plan (GDIP) and its impact on Europe’s labour market, focusing on the Net-Zero Industry Act and the Critical Raw Materials Act.

It assesses the effectiveness of complementing the GDIP with labour market policies in Just Transition regions, highlighting the challenges of labour shortages and structural unemployment.

The study’s mixed-method approach provides insights into the structural mismatch in the labour market, emphasising the need for labour mobility.

Regional case studies from Belgium, Spain, Czechia, Poland and Sweden offer varied perspectives on this transition.

The report concludes with policy recommendations, emphasising a systems approach for a balanced, effective transition. It aims to guide policymakers in achieving a Just Transition for all European regions, underlining the need for integrated solutions to foster a socially just and well-functioning European labour market.

This Policy Study will be officially launched in an upcoming event, please stay tuned for further details!

Milan Petit presented the study during the EU Commission’s Annual Political Dialogue 2024, which invited stakeholders from all EU coal, peat, lignite and oil shale regions to gather, take stock of the progress achieved (since the start of the Initiative for coal regions in transition in 2018), and discuss common challenges they face in today’s quickly-evolving energy landscape. 

Environmental Change Institute
International Institute for AppliedSystems Analysis (IIASA)
Project SEER
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