School for European Democracy 2014

Scuola di Democrazia Europea 2014

23 - 02/11/2014
10:00 - 18:00
Talamonte, Italy
School for European Democracy 2014

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In the autumn of 2014, two seminars were organised: ‘Evolution of the Italian political system after the European elections in 2014′ (24-25-26 October) and ‘Local governance in Tuscany and the frameworks of European governance’ (31 October – 2 November).

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FEPS together with Fondazione Socialismo ETS has been organising these training seminars for several years. The work has been carried out within the framework of bridges for Europe, bridging the gap between Europe and its citizens has now become a summer and autumn school for young activists, students and local political advisers and personalities. It helps to promote FEPS work and that of the progressive movement at European level by information and awareness building in order to provide better knowledge of various aspects of European politics and policies and ultimately bridge the gap of information and understanding. High-profile academics and political personalities present at the seminars.

Fondazione Socialismo ETS
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