PES Committee of the Regions

Find all events with PES Committee of the Regions
FEPS HQ (closed-door workshop)

A free and democratic Europe: Countering far-right populism

Workshop within the S&D Youth event
FEPS HQ (closed-door workshop)

Taxing billionaires for the EU to deliver on a wellbeing agenda

Workshop within the S&D Youth Event
Rome, Italy

Understanding right-wing populism and what to do about it

PES Congress fringe event
Find all news about PES Committee of the Regions

FEPS at the PES Election Congress in Rome


Commissioner Ferreira and Former HRVP Mogherini among the speakers that will join Call to Europe 10th edition


Progressive leaders, academics and activists call for a European Child Union

Find all in the media about PES Committee of the Regions
In the media

Socialistas europeos reclaman que la Europa social sea la prioridad de la futura Comisión

by EuroEFE 09/11/2023
'European socialists demand that social Europe be the priority for the future Commission' article about the 'Champions of progress: Progressives go the extra mile for Social Europe!' side event organized by FEPS and PES
Find all audiovisual with PES Committee of the Regions

“Taxing the rich is not a radical idea” #taxtherich #shorts

‘Taxing billionaires for the EU to deliver on a wellbeing agenda’ Flickr album

‘A free and democratic Europe: Countering far-right populism’ Flickr album