Commissioner Ferreira and Former HRVP Mogherini among the speakers that will join Call to Europe 10th edition


‘Recovering Europe: Mind the Social Gaps’ is the theme of the 10th edition of Call to Europe, the annual flagship conference organised by the Foundation for European Progressives Studies (FEPS) and its partners. The event will take place between Tuesday May 25 and Thursday May 27.

With this conference, FEPS and the progressive political family intend to contribute to the debate around the action needed for an inclusive and sustainable recovery, one that overcomes the worrisome trend of growing inequalities.

This year, the annual FEPS Call to Europe flagship conference celebrates its 10th Anniversary. Over the past ten years, Call to Europe has evolved into a key progressive platform where experts, civil society representatives and policy-makers jointly contribute to a melting pot of progressive ideas.

FEPS Secretary-General László Andor: “We knew that inequality was a growing problem in Europe in the pre-pandemic years, but now it is an even greater task to turn towards an economic and social model that offers not only opportunities but also guarantees for closing the social gaps. Without progressive strategies we may end up with more divided societies, which would in turn endanger democratic politics. With a stronger social dimension, the EU must become the driver of progressive transformation.”

Among the speakers:

  • Elisa FERREIRA, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, European Commission, Portugal / Thursday 16h45
  • Federica MOGHERINI, College of Europe Rector, former High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Italy / Tuesday 16h30
  • Arancha GONZÁLEZ, Minister of Foreign Affairs European Union and Co-operation of Spain / Wednesday 16h15
  • Enrico GIOVANNINI, Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, Italy
  • Pierre Yves DERMAGNE, Minister for Economy and Labour, Belgium / Wednesday 16h15
  • Ana Paula ZACARIAS, Secretary of State for EU Affairs, Portugal / Wednesday 16h15
  • Iratxe GARCÍA PÉREZ, President and MEP, S&D Group
  • Sergei STANISHEV, President, Party of European Socialists (PES)
  • Ed MILIBAND, Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, UK, Labour MP for Doncaster North / Tuesday 18h30
  • Vasco CORDEIRO, Member of the Regional Parliament, Azores, First Vice President of the European Committee of the Regions
  • Adam TOOZE, Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of History, Columbia University
  • Carlota PEREZ, Honorary Professor, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)
  • (…)

Programme and info:

PES Committee of the Regions
PES Women
Socialists and Democrats (S&D)
Young European Socialists (YES)
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