FEPS Weekly Newsletter 10 June 2022

FEPS Weekly Newsletter
📅 New website launched!! 2022 General Assambly, events on digital and more!
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Upcoming Events
FEPS launches its new website!

After months of work, FEPS’s new website is now online! This new platform offers a new and innovative way of presenting all the different kinds of content FEPS produces: publications, articles, events, videos, podcasts, news…And it allows a complex interconnection between all these materials and the people behind them.

Some of the main aims of this tool are to increase the visibility and accessibility of FEPS work and members and human network and structure deliverables around FEPS’s main objectives.

🆕 Discover the new website!

FEPS holds the 2022 General Assembly

The yearly meeting gathering all members of FEPS’ extensive network took place this week. The GA agreed on fundamental points such as the 2023 framework activity programme, accounts, and new Bureau composition, among many other points.

Among other announcements, FEPS’ General Assembly welcomed two new members to FEPS’ Bureau: Masaryk Democratic Academy (Czech Republic) and Kalevi Sorsa Foundation (Finland).
14 June 2022, 12:00-17:30, Brussels, La Tricoterie

In-person discussion on the latest developments in the platform economy and beyond. There are still a few spots available!

The event will include the launch of the study by the FES Competence Centre on the Future of Work on online platforms and platform work; and a keynote from Oxford Professor Vili Lehdonvirta, author of the book ‘Cloud Empires’.

Roundtable discussions include great speakers, such as Jeremias Adams-Prassl, Sacha Garben, Joanna Bronowicka and Niels van Doorn.
We will discuss data transfers from businesses to public authorities. Right now, the Data Act limits these transfers to exceptional situations, but is that framing appropriate for an economy in which data takes a central role and where the achievement of many goals in the general interest relies on its general availability?

Among the speakers, Francesca Bria, the President of the Italian National Innovation Fund and former CTO of Barcelona, and Paul Keller, from the Open Future Foundation, who will sketch how the Data Act could take the public interest better into account, based on the foundation’s recent report. There will also be room for active participation from the audience.
The (im) possibility of an island?
21 June, Barcelona (Spain)

We will investigate the EU’s approach to ethical AI. Can it work in an international context that some call an ‘AI Cold War’? And will the EU’s and other countries’ plans to regulate AI be successful, or will they ‘kill innovation’ as is often heard? This panel will bust some myths.

We will also look beyond regulation. The field of AI is centralised, with a handful of global firms determining the shape of tech development. What would facilitate the emergence of an ecosystem of AI firms and NGOs that are aligned with the public interest?

Among the speakers: Pieter Verdegem, who will share a critical perspective on AI, based on the book “AI for Everyone? Critical Perspectives”; Brando Benifei, the EP Co-Rapporteur on the AI Act; Helena Malikova, Member of the Chief Economist Team of the EC DG for Competition; Jesús Herrero Poza, Head of Cabinet of the Spanish State Secretary for Digitalisation and AI; and Montse Guardia Güell, Co-founder and CEO of Big Onion Tech.


After Russia invaded Ukraine, the security map of northern Europe was redrawn. Within the space of two months, Sweden and Finland have jointly decided to apply for NATO membership, thereby abandoning their previous longstanding security doctrine of military neutrality. Read more
Voting during pandemics: making democracy resilient in turbulent times

by Ania Skrzypek et al.

Although many volumes have already discussed several Covid-related socio-economic phenomena, relatively less attention has been paid to a substantive research question: what has Covid meant for political processes?

The research project is a 100 page-long collection of policy briefs analysing Covid impact on electoral laws and pre-campaign strategies; electoral campaigns in the pandemic, as well as post-electoral processes and governments’ formations experiences.

“Voting during pandemics – making democracy resilient in turbulent times” is a project by FEPS in partnership with the Institute for Social Integration (ISI), Centrum Im. Ignacego Daszyńskiego, the Masarykova demokratická akademie, the Foundation for a Democratic Left and Drustvo Progresiva. Read more

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In the media

Falsely historic European elections bring little change, says FEPS

by Agence Europe 18/06/2024
Agence Europe's article features an analysis of the EU election results by Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, published in The Progressive Post.

Die EU-Osterweiterung nach 20 Jahren: Kann die Konvergenz sozial und wirtschaftlich nachhaltig gestaltet werden?

by Wirtschaftsdienst 13/06/2024
'EU Eastward Enlargement After 20 Years: Socially and Economically Sustainable Convergence?' FEPS Secretary General László Andor co-authored this article of the German journal Wirtschaftsdienst

Flere har en computer som chef: »Det dræber al gejst og motivation«

by Finans 12/06/2024
'Several people have a computer as their boss: "It kills all spirit and motivation" Finans article features FEPS latest policy study and survey 'Computer in command'

Un comisario de democracia para Europa

by Confidencial 11/06/2024
"A Democracy Commissioner for Europe". FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues co-authors this article, advocating for the establishment of a Democracy Commissioner.