FEPS at UN Civil Society Conference in Kenya


FEPS organised the panel “Civil Society Recommendations on the 5 Chapters of the Pact for the Future, Declaration on Future Generations, and Global Digital Compact” at the United Nations Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.

With 2,158 participants from over 140 organisations and 115 nationalities, the Conference served as a crucial platform for civil societies and NGOs to engage in data-driven discussions ahead of the upcoming Summit of the Future in September 2024 at the UN Headquarters in New York, marking the final opportunity to shape the forthcoming Pact of the Future. A crucial highlight of the Conference was the very high participation of civil society representatives from Africa (over 70% of participants), and young people (over 40% of participants were under 35 years old).

Against the backdrop of alarming trends of regression and widening inequalities exacerbated by resource constraints, FEPS aimed to leverage this occasion to advocate for a New Global Deal. Through our new book “A New Global Deal“, we wanted to open dialogue across all continents on the urgent need to reform global governance and policies to address the current global challenges.

FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues presented insights from the book “A New Global Deal“.

Watch the intervention below!

Check out the highlights from the Civil Society Conference below!

  • António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, speaking at the UN Civil Society Conference Press Conference on 10 May 2024.
  • Guy Ryder, Under-Secretary General of the United Nations, intervention from the Plenary Interactive Dialogue Looking ahead to the Summit and beyond. (Skip to 55:33)
  • Sandrine Dixson-Declève, one of the authors of the book “A New Global Deal” chapter “SDGs for all: strategic scenarios; Earth4All system dynamics modelling of SDG progress“, speaking at the closing plenary session. (Skip to 02:24)
  • Read the Co-Chairs of the Conference, Ms. Carole Ageng’o and Ms. Nudhara Yusuf reflections letter.

Read “A New Global Deal“, part of FEPS ‘UNited for’ flagship project in the thematic area of Europe and the world and devoted to a New Global Deal in 2023 and 2024.

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