

For a more regionalised, binding and legitimate United Nations

The world is facing a paradox. While the Covid-19 pandemic has confirmed the transnational and common nature of challenges such as infectious diseases, climate change, security, financial stability, extreme poverty, sustainable development, terrorism, etc, the main responses have been at national and local level. And multilateral global governance has been shown to be particularly weak. Defending the past multilateral legacy, and at the same time simply implementing a few managerial adjustments, is not a serious option. We therefore bring substantial arguments showing the urgent need to build a ‘new multilateralism’. This book is not about a dream. It underlines the dynamic trends that already exist, going beyond a mere continuity with the past and addressing with courage the current deficits in multilateral legitimacy, representation and efficiency.

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Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale (CeSPI)
Fondation Jean-Jaurès
Fundación Pablo Iglesias
Olof Palmes Internationella Center
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