

Pandemics, climate disasters, financial crises, food insecurity, poverty, digital transformation and wars are just a few of the complex global challenges that societies must face up to. And yet the world governance systems that are currently in place are not capable of dealing with such challenges.

Moreover, recent years have seen general backsliding and inequality when it comes to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all member states of the United Nations in 2015 under their 2030 Agenda.

World governance structures must be reformed if they are to cope with these global challenges and the complex interactions between them. 

Against this background, the book A New Global Deal: Reforming World Governance aims to contribute to open dialogue across all continents concerning the priorities of reforming world governance and policies to address current global challenges.

Based on contributions from renowned European progressive experts and policymakers, it makes proposals regarding the reform of the world governance system in crucial policy areas such as climate and environment, social issues, digital transformation, trade and supply chains and industrial policy.

It also tackles the questions of how to reform the global financial architecture and the UN’s institutions. Moreover, the book sketches the kind of new global deal that is necessary in order to enable all countries to implement the Sustainable Development Goals, to deliver new global public goods, and to ensure that all generations are able to improve their life chances.

This book was edited by the president of FEPS, Maria João Rodrigues. It includes contributions from Azita Berar Awad, Johannah Bernstein, Céline Charveriat, David Collste, Stefan Collignon, Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Enrico Giovannini, Arancha González Laya, Paolo Guerrieri, Francesco Lapenta, Jo Leinen, Pier Carlo Padoan, Christian Salm, Nathalie Spittler, Gerhard Stahl and Robert Sweeney

Chapters and authors:

  • Introduction and conclusion | Maria João Rodrigues
  • SDGs for all: strategic scenarios; Earth4All system dynamics modelling of SDG progress | Johannah Bernstein, David Collste, Sandrine Dixson-Declève and Nathalie Spittler 
  • The New Global Deal: a key tool to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals | Enrico Giovannini
  • A New Global Deal for Governing Planetary BoundariesCéline Charveriat
  • A New Social Contract through a New Global DealAzita Berar Awad
  • An alternative model and vision for our tech-driven AI future | Francesco Lapenta
  • Development of supply chains in a multipolar world  | Gerhard Stahl
  • Industrial policy and sustainable development | Robert Sweeney
  • Making trade work for prosperity, people and planet | Arancha González Laya
  • Global economic governance in a polycrisis scenario | Paolo Guerrieri and Pier Carlo Padoan
  • The global governance of global public goods | Stefan Collignon
  • Global governance 2.0: a more democratic and efficient United Nations and a more coherent global governance system for the SDGs | Jo Leinen and Christian Salm

The list of authors of this book is composed of European policymakers and experts with a long and diverse body of experience and in dialogue with their counterparts across the world. They felt they should speak out at this historical juncture of European and world history marked by the UN Summit of the Future that will take place in New York in September 2024.

But this is just an initial contribution to a much-needed global debate. They want to go on listening to others and engaging with them in a long-term undertaking: reinventing global governance for the 21st century.

The book is part of the FEPS ‘UNited for’ flagship project in the thematic area of Europe and the world and devoted to a New Global Deal in 2023 and 2024.

Fondation Jean-Jaurès
Fundación Pablo Iglesias
Karl Renner Institut
Olof Palmes Internationella Center
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