FEPS ‘UNited for’ conferences, have been held since 2018 in New York ahead of the United Nations General Assembly. The main objective of this yearly initiative is to discuss, with international high-level policymakers, experts and academics, the most important international issues at stake. Speakers in these conferences included influential political and academic figures such as Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz, EU VP High Representative Josep Borrell, former German Minister Heiko Maas, former President of Ireland and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinsons, and Madeleine Albright, former U.S. Secretary of State, as well as the Special envoys of the UN Secretary-General for each of the above conference topics. FEPS counts with the Special Consultative Status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the highest status given by the UN to non-governmental organisations, thus allowing it to participate in the work of the UN.
Find all publications on UNited for

A New Global Deal

Reforming world governance

SDGs for all: Strategic scenarios

Earth4All system dynamics modelling of SDG progress

Reforming multilateralism in post-COVID times

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19 - 23/09/2024
New York, USA

FEPS at the United Nations Summit of the Future

Shaping our common future
09 - 10/05/2024
Nairobi, Kenya

UN Civil Society Conference

FEPS panel: A New Global Deal to implement the SDGs
Vienna, Austria (Expert meeting)

A new global deal to advance and implement the SDGs

Towards the Summit and Pact of the Future
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Find all Progressive Post on UNited for
Progressive Post

Contested multilateralism and the crisis of cooperation


The 75th anniversary of the United Nations: the urgently needed reforms and their enemies


Strengthening the EU’s role in the UN Security Council today

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FEPS Delegation attends T20/C20 Midterm Conference in Brazil


FEPS represented at T20 Brasil International Advisory Council


FEPS at UN Civil Society Conference in Kenya

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Find all in the media on UNited for
In the media

Une réforme de l’UE qui intéressera forcément les Suisses

by Le Temps 24/11/2023
'EU reform bound to be of interest to the Swiss', an opinion piece in Le Temps on EU Treaties changes by Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, Guillaume Klossa, Director of think tank EuropaNova and Daniela Schwarzer, Executive board member Bertelsmann Stiftung

« Le moment est venu de lancer un débat sur la réforme de l’Union européenne »

by Le Monde 22/11/2023
'The time has come to launch a debate on the reform of the European Union', an opinion piece in Le Monde on Eu Treaties changes by Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, Guillaume Klossa, Director of think tank EuropaNova and Daniela Schwarzer, Executive board member Bertelsmann Stiftung

‘SDG funding gap swells to $137trn’ New Policy Study from FEPS, together with Earth4All, to deliver a five-point plan for the SDGs.

by Edie 19/09/2023
The “SDGs for All” report emphasises that policymakers have the potential to significantly advance SDG implementation by the original 2030 deadline and beyond by enacting five “extraordinary turnarounds” that break away from current trends.

Un nuevo informe de prospectiva identifica las medidas políticas urgentes necesarias para volver a encarrilar los ODS

by Cope 14/09/2023
'New foresight report identifies urgent policy measures needed to get the SDGs back on track' Cope's article on the policy study 'SDGs for all: Strategic scenarios', published in collaboration with Earth4All

UNited for a fairer and more sustainable recovery – EURACTIV

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Find all audiovisual on UNited for

‘A new global deal to advance and implement the SDGs’ Flickr album

Towards a global pact for a better future for people and the planet – Flickr Album

“Something is radically wrong with the way we measure wealth and prosperity” Maria João Rodrigues

Prospects for global governance in an age of disruptions

UNited for Climate Justice

Interview with Maria Joao Rodrigues, FEPS President, during UNited for a Different Migration

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Network and Team

Thainá LEITE

Project Management Coordinator


FEPS President