#81 FEPS Talks ‘The Portuguese Presidency Secret – how the history of Europe is just about to change’

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In the media

Hungary’s Transactions in the South Caucasus

by Caucasus Watch 28/12/2024
FEPS Secretary General László Andor talks to Caucasus Watch about Hungary's role in the South Caucasus

“Nem Brüsszel akar diktálni Magyarországnak, hanem Orbán Európának”

by Klubrádió 08/11/2024
"It is not Brussels that wants to dictate to Hungary, but Orbán to Europe" Hetes stúdió interview with FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues, Birgit Sippel and Petra Bayr about the Call to Europe Hungary

Hogyan értékelte az ország uniós helyzetét a Call to Europe konferencia?

by Jelen 08/11/2024
'How did the Call to Europe Hungary conference evaluate the country's position in the EU?' Jelen's Podcast with FEPS Secretary General László Andor

The need to strengthen policies for a Social Europe

by Le Club de Mediapart 29/10/2024
Article by Le Club Mediapart about the presentation of FEPS Primer's Greek edition, 'Social Europe: From Vision to Vigour' with László Andor and Björn Hacker in an event coorganised with ETERON in Athens.