‘Progressive Economics Network’ Flickr album

Flickr album of the ‘Progressive Economics Network‘ in FEPS’ Headquarters This Progressive Economics Network meeting […]


Flickr album of the ‘Progressive Economics Network‘ in FEPS’ Headquarters

This Progressive Economics Network meeting gathered academics, policymakers, and key advisors to discuss the experience of the new approaches to managing inflation and how they should be refined to build up a progressive toolbox approach to dealing with inflation. The discussion included presentations of scientific policy-relevant papers and contributions with examples of policies from different European Member States.

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Progressive Economics Network

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In the media

Orbánov boj z zunanjim sovražnikom ni bil kos inflaciji

by DELO 28/05/2024
In an article in Delo, László Andor criticises Viktor Orbán government's economic policies, such as not allowing Hungary to join the euro area, which he believes would have helped curb inflation. He also criticises the government for blaming external enemies such as the President of the European Commission, to cover up its own failures.

FEPS President at Euronews talk-show ‘Brussels, my love?’

by Euronews 15/01/2024
Panellists discussed topics including EU fiscal rules reform, German farmer's protests, and the decision of Charles Michel to quit his job early to run for MEP.

“Trade doesn’t work in isolation from good domestic policies” Interview to Arancha González

by Borderlex 19/09/2023
Interview to Arancha González, former Spanish foreign minister, who released together with FEPS the new book entitled 'The Trade Handbook: Making Trade Work for Prosperity, People and Planet'

Após 66 anos de adiamentos, a barragem do Pisão entrou em contra-relógio

by Pùblico 19/08/2023
'After 66 years of postponements, the Pisão dam has entered a race against time' Pùblico's article mentions FEPS Policy Study 'Governing the RRF'
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