Launch of the new policy paper: ‘For the many, not the few; A Progressive Model for Trade and Investment’

00:00 - 00:00
European Parliament. Rue Wiertz, 60. Brussels
Launch of the new policy paper: ‘For the many, not the few; A Progressive Model for Trade and Investment’

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  • On Wednesday, December 5th, 2018, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies and the Global Progressive Forum, in cooperation with the Progressive Alliance of the Socialists and Democrats at the European Parliament, the Party of the European Socialists, Solidar and the European Trade Union Confederation, are launching an important new policy paper focusing on a progressive model for trade and investment.

The report, which is titled For the many, not the few; A Progressive Model for Trade and Investment’, has been the outcome of a 1,5 year-long process of deliberations amongst a high-level advisory board of international experts. It aims at forging a new consensus on trade and investment within the progressive movement contingent on the principles of employment, broad-based prosperity, equality, transparency and sustainability. What is presented in the report articulates a vision that can form the core of a new, forward-looking progressive model for trade and investment.

The launch event of the report will take place in the European Parliament and will provide an ideal opportunity to discuss the report’s findings with Members of the European Parliament, members of the Press, NGOs, EU commission officials, and trade policy experts.

Please note that the event is upon invitation only. Please also note that the report will become available on our website 24 hours before the event.

This new report has been drafted by an advisory board of international experts:

  • Nathalie Bernasconi, Executive Director IISD Europe, Group Director, Economic Law & Policy, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
  • Carles Casajuana, SOLIDAR Board Member and former Spanish Ambassador
  • Stephany Griffith Jones, Professor, Columbia University, Financial Markets Program Director, Initiative for Policy Dialogue
  • Eveline Herfkens, Former Minister for Development Cooperation of the Netherlands
  • Pascal Lamy, former WTO Director General and former EU Commissioner for Trade
  • Bernd Lange, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament Committee on International Trade
  • Paul Magnette, Mayor of Charleroi and former Minister-President of Wallonia (Belgium)
  • Linda McAvan, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Development
  • Alessia Mosca, MEP, Socialists and Democrats’ coordinator in the European Parliament Committee on International Trade

This group has deliberated under the coordination of Enrique Guerrero MEP, co-President of the Global Progressive Forum. This policy paper has been the outcome of a project inter alia co-ordinated by Paolo Alberti, Press and Communications officer at GPF, Lisa Kastner, Policy Advisor at FEPS, and Vassilis Ntousas, International relations policy advisor at FEPS, under the supervision of Doriano Dragoni, Secretary General of GPF and Ernst Stetter, Secretary General of FEPS.

European Trade Union Confederation ETUC
Global Progressive Forum
Party of European Socialists
Socialists and Democrats (S&D)
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