Workshop – Inequalities in the Age of AI

The Forum on inequalities and diversity – a coalition between civil society organizations and researchers headed […]

00:00 - 00:00
Digityser, Boulevard d’Anvers 40, 1000, Bruxelles
Workshop – Inequalities in the Age of AI
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The Forum on inequalities and diversity – a coalition between civil society organizations and researchers headed by Fabrizio Barca, former Minister for Territorial Cohesion in Italy – recently released a report called 15 proposals for justice. The report especially highlights the consequences of technical innovation on inequalities and justice.

Therefore, Edgeryders, with the support of FEPS, organise an evening event to bring together policy makers, academics and technologists to explore how equality and justice are encoded in technological choices. We will focus on the main technologies underpinning the Next Generation Internet, especially ‘AI’. This is incredibly timely, especially in view of announced EU regulation on AI.

The aim is to generate understanding that can help the European Parliament and European Commision to shape the governance of and investment in a Next Generation Internet that sets the conditions for improved social justice and equality.

With the confirmed participation of Fabrizio Barca, Founder of the Forum on Inequalities and Diversity, Seda F. Gürses, Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology, Kate Sim, researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute, Marco Manca, Chairman of the Board of Directors at SCimPulse Foundation, and Justin Nogarede, Digital Policy Adviser at FEPS.

Please register here.

More info on Forum on inequalities and diversity.

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