FEPS Newsletter 28 Sept 2023 –♀️International Safe Abortion Day

⚡FEPS Newsletter:♀️International Safe Abortion Day
Special newsletter on abortion: book, video, country fact sheets, events…
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On this International Safe Abortion Day, we stand together to reaffirm the fundamental human right of all individuals to make autonomous choices about their reproductive health, body and future. Safe, legal, and accessible abortion services must be available for all those in need.

In Europe, 29 out of 1,000 women aged 15 to 44 have had an abortion. Europe is the continent where access to safe and legal abortion is closest to the international health recommendations, but this right is being seriously challenged. Attempts to restrict access remind us that the right to abortion is reversible and remains a recurring topic of controversy and tension across Europe.

Access to abortion varies greatly across the EU. But no country, even in the most permissive ones, recognises women’s control over their bodies in the way that feminist movements have demanded since the 1970s. Legal conditions still constitute an obstacle.

All this has been the object of a thorough analysis by FEPS and the Karl-Renner-Institut. Find out more here!
Abortion in the EU

Actors, issues and discourse

By Bérengère Marques-Pereira
The book, published in cooperation with Karl-Renner-Institut, compares the legal regime of abortion in different EU countries and the effectiveness of the right to access it. Read this original and comparative look at the discourses and practices of abortion rights. Read more.
This video guides us through the pages of Bérengère Marques-Pereira’s book, ‘Abortion in the EU‘, offering a concise overview of its key insights, findings and situation in the different EU countries.
Access to abortion varies greatly across the EU. These country factsheets thus map all the (non-)legal criteria for profiling the different abortion regimes in EU countries. Each factsheet helps us to better understand that a woman’s access abortion will depend not just on the existing legal framework but also on a range of additional barriers along her journey.
The new discourse analysis offered by Prof. Bérengère Marques-Pereira in the bookAbortion in the EUwill be at the heart of this event, organised in collaboration with Karl-Renner-Institut.
10 October – Online
“Recognising long-term care as a public good, as the European Care Strategy does, is one thing, but ensuring that social protection systems are developed and public services available is another.” Tuscany Bell, in the policy study ‘European Care Strategy
Join her and the other experts at the final policy lunch of the Care4Care series, organised with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and European Federation of Public Service Unions, to discuss an under-explored domain of EU action: the need to ensure affordable, high-quality long-term care.
‘Europe and the war in Ukraine’ book launch
27 September – FEPS HQ

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine started, has the EU performed better or worse regarding your initial expectations?
We discussed this and other aspects of the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine during the launch of the book ‘Europe and the war in Ukraine‘. Together with the editors and some of the authors of the book, we explored the developments concerning the key aspects of the war from a European perspective. Read more.
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