FEPS Newsletter 31 May 2024 – 🌱 Just transition

One week until the EU elections! –

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Every vote counts! By voting in next week’s EU elections, you have the power to shape the future of the European Union. A future in which we must continue the path towards a just transition, now under threat.


In recent months, we have seen a well-coordinated effort to rewind the EU’s climate ambitions. One claim is that taking care of our environment hurts poor people and regions. But this is not true. A just transition protects both the environment and the people.


The following publications show how it is done.

Just Transition
A positive narrative for a Just Transition

By Inanna Tribukait and Kevin Le Merle – In collaboration with Solidar


This policy study analyses the reactionary backlash against the socio-ecological transition and how to counter it with political communications. Not only do the authors recommend a conscious choice of medium, but also tangible and positive examples that make a difference in peoples’ lives. On top of that, the process of policymaking, including identifying the right goals, forms part of the set of recommendations.


By Milan Petit, Mikhail Sirenko, Michael Obersteiner and Kevin Le Merle – In collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Project SEER, Environmental Change Institute and International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis 


A research team from project SEER, assesses the effectiveness of complementing the GDIP with labour market policies in Just Transition regions, highlighting the challenges of labour shortages and structural unemployment.

Read 'Expected labour market effects of the Green Deal Industrial Plan'

The study provides insights into the structural mismatch in labour markets, emphasising the need for labour mobility, while regional case studies from Belgium, Spain, Czechia, Poland and Sweden offer in-depth perspectives on the local effects of the socio-ecological transition. The report concludes with policy recommendations, emphasising a systems approach for a balanced, effective transition.

Policy Study
Read 'How can RepowerEU consolidate recovery?'

By Franco Tomassoni and Tiago Santos Pereira – In collaboration with FES, Colabor and Institut Emile Vandervelde


The question “How can RepowerEU consolidate recovery?” is the focus of this policy study published within the FEPS Recovery Watch series. Analysing the case studies of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans of Denmark, Estonia, France, Portugal, and Spain, the researchers demonstrate that European energy policy still lacks significant cross-border infrastructure investments, as well as the need for further monitoring and evaluation to reach a concept of energy security that puts European resilience at the centre.

Progressive Post


Navigating the greenlash

Putting people at the heart of climate action in Europe

Article by Mikael Leyi, Secretary General of SOLIDAR

Navigating the greenlash

The Greenlash has recently gained momentum in the EU. Yet, climate action is indispensable and stay a high priority for Europeans. It is time to dispel the myth that climate action is a burden and instead highlight how well-planned and implemented sustainable policies directly improve lives and benefit all.


Any climate and environmental action should be accompanied by a socioeconomic impact assessment and by measures that aim to tackle the inequalities that are connected to it. Through a just and inclusive transition, we can ensure that Europeans grasp the immediate and long-term benefits of embracing a sustainable future. Read more.

Photo Credits: Shutterstock/IlonaLablaika

FEPS is in the news


Ahead of the EU elections and the upcoming Hungarian Presidency of the EU, FEPS Secretary General László Andor has recently conducted several interviews for different European media:


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Foundation for European Progressive Studies
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