FEPS Newsletter 8 March 2024 – 💪 International Women’s Day

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United for a more equal and fair EU!

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Gender equality

International Women’s Day is a moment to unite, recall the remaining barriers and remind conservative and far-right forces challenging the rights conquered by the feminist movement that we are stronger than them.


It is also a moment to celebrate what we have achieved. Thanks to progressive leaders in key portfolios, this EU legislature has seen the emergence of the European Gender Equality and Care Strategies, two pivotal political agendas that have helped and can further help Europe make steps toward a more equal society.


As we approach the start of a new mandate, we demand loudly and clearly that the EU remains firmly committed to accelerating progress for all women.


As a proud feminist think tank, FEPS has made gender equality one of its leading priorities. After all, progressivism can only go hand in hand with feminism.


Thank you to all the women and men from FEPS network who work with us on this mission! Stay connected and help us improve our analysis and recommendations to continue pushing for a more equal and fair society. 

EU Care Atlas 2024


Discover the updated EU Care Atlas!

In collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)

Explore the data

Browse through the new version of the EU Care Atlas and discover how care deficits directly feed into the gender overall earnings gap, perpetuating gender inequalities.


This tool, initially launched in 2022 within our project #Care4Care, now includes new and fresh data!


It focuses on the European Care Strategy, which we analyse in our policy study ‘The European Care Strategy’. Thus, the Care Atlas 2.0. is based on the two main pillars of the strategy: Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), and Long-Term CareFind out more. 


Women CSO leaders for systemic change


By Joanna Maycock,  Céline Charveriat, Eloise Bodin and Angela Philp – In collaboration with FES EU office, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung EU and Green European Foundation

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Read 'Women CSO leaders for systemic change'

At a time when the world urgently needs radically different leadership, intersectional feminist leadership offers an exciting key to unlocking new ways of leading and living – and it is not just for women either! 


Based on interviews with 150 women civil society organisation (CSO) leaders, the first-ever study of its kind takes stock of the progress over the last decade and identifies remaining barriers and new opportunities for women leaders in achieving systemic change. Read more.

A European feminist foreign policy?


A European feminist foreign policy?

The need for a progressive and transformative approach

By Laeticia Thissen and Aline Burni – In collaboration with Fondation Jean-Jaurès and FES

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The feminist turn in foreign policy is becoming increasingly normalised – but is the EU being ambitious enough?


In the first publication of the Feminist Foreign Policy Progressive Voices Collective, our new policy brief, ‘A European Feminist Foreign Policy?’, reflects on the opportunities and challenges of clearly linking the external action and gender equality agendas into a European feminist foreign police. Read more.

Towards a feminist future of work, without violence against women and from a European perspective


Accelerating progress

Towards a feminist future of work, without violence against women and from a European perspective 

23 February – Barcelona, Spain – In collaboration with Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya and Fundació Rafael Campalans

In this conference, we focused on the European Directive on Gender Violence and the situation of women in the workplace, one of the areas where progress must accelerate! We were joined by renowned speakers such as Ana Redondo, Spanish Minister of Equality, who defended the law proposal for equal representation and balanced presence of women and men in both public institutions and private companies. Watch it here.


Abortion in the European Union

Actors, issues and discourse

By Bérengère Marques-Pereira – In collaboration with Karl-Renner-Institut

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Read 'Abortion in the European Union'

The book compares the legal regime of abortion in different EU countries and the effectiveness of the right to access it. Read this original and comparative look at the discourses and practices of abortion rights. Read more.

Read 'Bridging the gender pay gap in the Western Balkans?'


Bridging the gender pay gap in the Western Balkans?

A country case study of Croatia, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia

By Radojka Kraljević, Laeticia Thissen, Kristijan Kevešević, Tania Ivanova, Bogdan Banjac, Brankica Janković and Andreja Poje – In collaboration with CEE Network for Gender Issues

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Actions to reduce the gender pay gap are lacking in the Western Balkans, despite almost all countries having a legislative framework for equal pay. Our policy study provides a comprehensive understanding of the gender pay gap over two years from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study answers questions about the root causes of the current gender pay gap trends. Read more.


How to pursue gender equality in the context of right wing, authoritarian regimes?

The cases of Hungary and Serbia

8 March – Budapest, Hungary – In collaboration with Foundation Max van der Stoel and Táncsics Mihály Alapítvány

How to pursue gender equality in the context of right wing, authoritarian regimes?

This project has researched the gendered aspects of CEE countries backsliding into authoritarianism. This included two training events in Hungary and Serbia, which focused on the decline in democracy and Gender Policy backsliding in both countries, and a final event on March 8.

Gender equality

More on gender equality


Gender equality is one of FEPS priorities. We have integrated gender concerns into many dimensions of our research because the complexities of gender issues affect all aspects of society. 

Progressive Post


Women in politics: beyond representation

By Evelyn Regner, Laura Boldrini and Viola Dombrowski

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Read our new Progressive Post's dossier

This Progressive Post Dossier reflects on the role and added value of women in politics, but also on the shadows that growing – albeit still insufficient – participation is bringing up. 📚 Read more.


With Commissioner Elisa Ferreira and a panel of policymaking experts, this event elaborated on the added value and performance of the Cohesion Policy, knowing that the next EU legislature will face difficult debates on the next Multiannual Financial Framework. Watch it here. 


Health for all

From a slogan to a reality for Europe

15 March – Cieszyn, Poland

Health for all

Health is a political and economic issue. Social democracy needs to offer viable solutions for the area that has always constituted its core: public health. During the conference, we will present some of the findings of FEPS book ‘A European Health Union‘, as well as address the phenomena of privatisation of health services, tendencies towards a geographical centralisation of the services offered by hospitals and clinics, the mental health crisis and the systemic burden of the long COVID phenomenon. 

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Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Avenue des Arts, 46 – 1000 Bruxelles

+32 223 46 900 – info@feps-europe.eu

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