Christian ODENDAHL

chief economist at the Centre for European Reform. Odendahl works on European monetary and fi scal policy, European integration and economic growth, financial markets as well as German politics.

Christian ODENDAHL is chief economist at the Centre for European Reform. Odendahl works on European monetary and fi scal policy, European integration and economic growth, financial markets as well as German politics. He commentates regularly on economic issues in print and broadcast media, including the Financial Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Deutschlandfunk and the BBC. He has also given oral evidence to the House of Lords on the future
of the eurozone. Before joining the CER, Christian worked as a senior economist at Roubini Global Economics in London on the eurozone, the ECB and Germany, and as a Marjorie Deane fi nancial journalism fellow at The Economist. Christian holds a PhD in economics from Stockholm University, chapters of which were published in the European Economic Review and the European Journal of Political Economy.

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Progressive Yearbook 2021

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Progressive Post

German Elections: Why did the Progressives fare badly and why did the AfD do so well?

Why the AfD has been so successful ?