Alicia HOMS

Member of the European Parliament. Former President Young European Socialists


 Secretary General of SAMAK, the Cooperation Committee of the Nordic Socialdemocratic parties and trade unions. He is a Norwegian politician and economist, and was state secretary in the Labour ministry 2005-2012.


FWO PhD Fellow, United Nations University


worked as a Policy Analyst on Economic and Social Affairs at FEPS.


Aaron Farrugia

Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects

Adam Terry

Adriana Lastra

Deputy Secretary General and Spokesperson of PSOE

Adriano Iaria

Adrien Abecassis

Ágnes Kunhalmi

Co-president of the Hungarian Socialist Party, member of parliament

Agnès Parent-Thirion

Senior Research Manager in the Working Life Unit, tasked with the planning, development and implementation of working conditions research projects at Eurofound – on behalf of the European Working conditions Survey team

Agnieszka Januszczyk

Aída Ponce Del Castillo

Senior Researcher, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

Aidan Harper


Alazne Irigoien

Albena Azmanova

Associate Professor in Political and Social Theory, Brussels School of International Studies (University of Kent)

Alek Tarkowski

Regulate, but build too: for a European digital sphere

Aleks Polaks

Aleks Polak is a Human rights activist and a social journalist

Aleksandar Lj. Spasov

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law 'Iustinianus Primus'at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, North Macedonia

Aleksander Glogowski


Aleksandra Semendjajeva, board member of S&D party Saskaņa (Harmony)

Alessandro ROSINA

Full Professor of Demography and Social Statistics at the Faculty of Economics at the Catholic University in Milan


works for the S&D Group in Brussels

Alexander BEHRENS

Alexander Behrens, historian, editor at the publishing house J. H. W. Dietz Nachfahren

Alexander Damiano Ricci

 is a German-Italian freelance journalist based in Rome. He holds a BA in International Relations and an MA in Economics and Political Science from the University of Milan. He currently works at EuVisions, where he deals with the analysis of political debates pertaining to EU integration as they unfold in EU Member States’ public spheres

Alice Hill

Alice POP

Resident director of the National Democratic Institute's office in Bucharest

Alice Trainee


founder and CEO of


Policy Advisor at Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. Aline worked at FEPS as a Policy Analyst on International Relations from April 2022 until April 2023. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil) and her doctoral thesis focused on the effect of the rise of populist radical right parties on immigration policies in Europe. During her doctoral studies, she was a Fulbright visiting scholar at the New York University (NYU), and a visiting researcher at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium). Before joining FEPS, Aline worked as a researcher for the global development think tank German Development Institute/ Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in Bonn, where her academic and policy advice work centered on international cooperation, EUdevelopment policy, and populism. Aline has applied experience with multi-sector international partnerships and international cooperation for development, having worked in the past as a Local Consultant and Project Coordinator for the international NGO PYXERA Global, and as Head of the National and International Partnerships Advisory for the Minas Gerais State Government, in Brazil.

Alisée Pornet

Allan Alaküla

Allan Fakula


Alonso Escamilla is Project and Research Manager at the Catholic University of Avila. He has developed several research projects on the field of youth for the Council of Europe, European Commission, European Youth Forum, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Population Fund and the EU-LAC Foundation. He also is member of the Pool of European Youth Researchers (PEYR) of the EU–CoE Youth Partnership and member of the Pool of Trainers of the Spanish Youth Council.

Ana Catarina MENDES

Member of the Portuguese Parliament and Leader of the Socialist Party’s Parliamentary Group

Ana Pirtskhalava


Editorial writer at Aftonbladet


Director of Policy Solutions. He is also Senior Research Fellow at the HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, and a member of the board at the Hungarian Political Science Association

André van de Nadort

Andrea Ciarini


Co-coordinator of the Forum on Inequalities and Diversity, Italy

Andrea Nahles

Andrea Rea


is senior researcher at the Study Centre for International Politics (CeSPI). He is an economist with 30 years of professional experience in development, migration and international economics. He has deepened the knowledge on the migration and development nexus and on European Union policies with countries of origin and transit. He has released several publications on development cooperation and migration. In 2021 he edited the CeSPI book Italy and Europe Between Migratory Policies and Integration Processes (Donzelli Editore).

Andrés Rodríguez Pose

Princesa de Asturias Chair and Professor of Economic Geography at the London School of Economics.


was Professor of Politics at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Queens' College from 2007 to 2014

Andrew Jackson

Senior Policy Adviser, Broadbent Institute

Anelia Stefanova


Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment, Poland

Anja Palm

Junior Researcher at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) where she researches on European and Italian migration policies.

Anka Grzywacz

Ann Pettifor

Director of Policy Research in Macroeconomics (PRIME) and author of 'The Case for the Green New Deal' (Verso, 2019)


International Secretary of Articolo UNO, former S&D Secretary General

Anna Elisabetta Galeotti

Anna Karlsdottir

Coordinator of the former Nordic Arctic Working Group, and former coordinator for the Nordic Integration Programme for refugees and immigrants, responsible administrator of the Arctic Cooperation Programme secretariat (until 2020), leader for the Nordic Thematic Group on Green and inclusive rural development.

Anna Lisa Boni

Anna Myers

Anna Terrón CUSÍ

Director of the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP) and former Secretary of State for Immigration and Emigration of the Government of Spain (2010-2012)

Anna Zobnina

Anna-Lena Lodenius

 is an author and journalist in the field of politicial violence and extremism, both on the right and the left side of politics. She has written fifteen books about the Extreme Right, Right Wing Populism, terrorism and problems related to migration and workers rights.

Anne Muxel

Anne Stauffer

Anne-Claire Defossez

Anneli Pärlin

Board member of the Estonian Social Democratic Party, she has also been a candidate at the parliamentary elections

Anni Marttinen

Public health scientist and Trade Unionist, Kommunal (Municipal Workers' Union), Sweden. Member of FEPS-FES care experts group.

Anthony Dworkin

Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations

Anthony Gooch

Antoine Deltour


Professor of Political Science and Sociology at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, joined the European Commission's newly formed High-Level Group on the Future of Social Protection and of the Welfare State in October 2021. Trained as an economist at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, he received his doctorate from University of Oxford. In his capacity as Dean of the Faculty of the Social Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, together with Jonathan Zeitlin, he founded the Amsterdam Centre for Contemporary European Studies. He also directed the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), the principle think tank in the Netherlands. Between 2014 and 2017, he was Centennial Professor of Social Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

Antonella Stirati

Antonio Aloisi

is an Assistant professor of European and Comparative Labour Law at IE University Law School, Madrid, where he is a member of the Lawtomation Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.

Antonio Gambini

Antonio Missiroli


Secretary General of the S&D Group


Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain; former Executive Director of the International Trade Centre.

Ariane Fontenelle

Armen Grigoryan

Armine Yalnizyan


Ph.D, Director at Thinktank Cevea

Asger Kent REFSING

Intern, Thinktank Cevea

Asli Selin OKYAY

Senior Fellow at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)

Atte Oksanen

Aude Boisseuil

General Delegate of the European Federation for Family Employment and Home Care (EFFE)


Former diplomat, currently regularly contributing as foreign policy analyst/writer at MedyascopeTV (Istanbul)


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Koç University, Istanbul


Senior social policy expert at the Municipality of Budapest

Barbara Gerstenberger

Barbara Nowacka

Baskut Tuncak

Beatrice Maneshi

Beatriz Corredor

Member of the Spanish National Parliament, Chairwoman & CEO of the Pablo Iglesias Foundation ( and former Minister of Housing (2008-2010). She was Secretary of State for Housing and Urban Planning (2010-2011).

Ben Fine

Ben Scott

 is Executive Director at Reset, an organisation that aims to ensure Big Tech’s business model serves the public good. Ben’s role at Reset is an evolution of his previous position as Luminate’s Director of Policy & Advocacy. Ben previously co-led the Stiftung Neue Verantwortung (SNV) in Berlin and he was also a Senior Adviser to New America in Washington DC, helping design the Public Interest Technology Initiative. Ben led the technology policy advisory group for the 2016 Clinton US presidential campaign.

Bence Hamrak

Benedict Stefani

Benedicta LASI

Secretary General of Socialist International

Benedikt Erforth

Benjamin Denis

Benjamin Dessus

Birgit Honé

Birgit Sippel

Member of the European Parliament since 2009

Blaž Zgaga


Founder of the SD Platform of Ukraine

Bohuslav Sobotka

Bojan Glavaševć


Political economist at the Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, and Chair of the Finnish Society for Development Research.

Boris Petrov Popivanov

Associate Professor of Political Systems and Ideologies at the St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria

Boris Zala


Member of the European Parliament, Head of the S&D Group’s Italian Delegation and co-Rapporteur on the AI regulation


Chairperson of the NGO Progressive Forum


IUSY Secretary General

Bruno Jeanbart

Vice-president at OpinionWay, head of international political and social research

C. Cindy Fan

C. Raja Mohan

Camille Landais

Carlos Zorrinho

Carlota PEREZ

currently an honorary professor at IIPP, at UCL and at SPRU, University of Sussex, UK. She is an adjunct professor at TalTech, Estonia and an academic in residence at Anthemis UK. She is the author of Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages and acts worldwide as a consultant and lecturer.

Carme Colomina

Caroline Hickson

Caroline Macfarland

Catalin Dragomirescu-Gaina

Caterina Ghobert

has been working on socio-economic and minority rights with NGOs, international organisations, and think-tanks in the Balkan region. She collaborated with OBCT-Transeuropa and is currently based in Pristina

Catiuscia MARINI

Cécile Kashetu Kyenge

lian politician and ophthalmologist. She was the Italian Minister for Integration in the 2013–14 Letta Cabinet. From 2014 until 2018, she was a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) in the S&D Group.


Vice international secretary, Parti Socialiste (France)

Cédric M. Koch

Cédric Rio

Cédric Van Styvendael

Celso Amorim

Celso Amorim is a Brazilian diplomat who served twice as Minister for Foreign Affairs, under the Franco and Lula administrations and Minister of Defense under President Dilma Roussef

Charlotte Godziewski

Assistant Professor in International Politics at City, University of London

Charlotte Halpern

Chloe Manahan

Irish Labour Party Executive Board Member

Christian ODENDAHL

chief economist at the Centre for European Reform. Odendahl works on European monetary and fi scal policy, European integration and economic growth, financial markets as well as German politics.

Christophe CLERGEAU

Vice-Chair of the S&D Group in the European Parliament

Christophe Degryse

Christophe ROUILLON

President of the PES Group of the European Committee of the Regions

Cillian LOHAN

Vice-President in charge of communication, European Economic and Social Committee

Claire Courteille-Mulder

Claudia Kemfert

Claudia Mancina


Former Global Coordinator of the Progressive Alliance

Cornel BAN

Associate professor of International Political economy at Copenhagen Business School

Cristina Narbona

Cristina Pricop

Cui Hongjian

Dan Jorgensen

Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities from 27. June 2019, Dan Jørgensen is also the former vice-chairman of the parliamentary group of the Social Democratic Party, 2017-2019. He's Member of the Folketing - the Danish Parliament-, for the Social Democratic Party in Funen greater constituency from June 18th 2015.

Dan Luca

Daniel Fiott

is Security and Defence Editor at the EU Institute for Security Studies. Prior to this, he worked as a researcher at the Institute for European Studies at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) (2012-2016). At the VUB he analysed and lectured on various aspects of European security, including defence industrial issues more specifically. From 2014-2016 he served as a fellow of the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO). Before this time he held positions in the think tank world and the private sector. Daniel was educated at the Open University, the University of Cambridge and he holds a PhD in political science from the Free University of Brussels (VUB).

Daniel Kurtzer

Daniela OSTRA

political scientist at the Department of Political Science and European Studies at Palacký University in Olomouc

Daniela Schwarzer

Executive Director, Europe and Eurasia at the Open Society Foundations


Professor of Comparative Politics at University of Reading

Daša Šašić Šilović

David Begg

David Harley

David Hémous


Managing Director of Bassline Strategy, an advocacy and research agency based in Dublin and International Secretary of the Irish Labour Party and Vice-Chair of the P&PR Branch of the National Union of Journalists

David Maria Sassoli

Dejan Jovic

Professor of International Relations at the University of Zagreb and President of the Managing Board of Foreign Policy Forum

Denis MacShane


Didier Fassin

Dirk Bezemer

Professor, Economics of International Financial Development

Dirk Jörke

Dmitris Tsarouhas


Research officer at the University of Tübingen, Germany

Dominic Schwickert

Dominik Hertlik

Don Tapscott

Donatella Della Ratta

Dora Mészáros

Dorothee Bohle

Dorothee Bohle is a professor of Political Science at the European University Institute, and formerly at Central European University, Budapest

Doru Frantescu


former EU Special Representative for Human Rights and EU Special Envoy for the Peace Process in Colombia. Former Tanaiste (Deputy Prime Minister) and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland.

Edgar Morin

Edit Inotai

Edoardo Caroli

 is part of the world-wide community of young change-makers, constantly pursuing one goal: to make an impact. Since 2014, he has been involved in several initiatives aimed at empowering youth and making sure they are taken into account by decision-makers. His work background ranges from the public sector at the European, national and local levels to fieldwork experiences to end with a long series of initiatives and involvements in the nonprofit sector both in Italy and abroad. He also launched recently a podcast, Turbe Giovanili, offering young people a platform to be heard and speak out. Italy is commonly known as a country affected by brain drain, meaning a lot of highly qualified people emigrate. Edoardo was part of that phenomena but now decided to return offering his country a hand to get up off the ground.

Ekaterina Pierson-Lyzhina

teaching assistant in charge of exercises at the the Political Science department of Université libre de Bruxelles

Ekrem Eddy Güzeldere

Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow in the Turkey Program of the European think tank ELIAMEP, based in Berlin


Professor of History of European Integration, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of Padua

Elena Lazarou

assistant Professor at Getulio Vargas Foundation

Elena Marushiakova

works in the field of Romani studies for more than four decades and is currently based at the University of St Andrews.


Elena Zacharenko is a doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Tampere University, Finland. Her research focuses on the framing of care and social reproduction in EU economic, social and gender equality policy, and how this shapes the political economy of and core-periphery relations within the EU.

Eleonora POLI

Dr Eleonora Poli is Associate Researcher at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), where she is working on democracy, institutions, and economic governance in the EU and in the Western Balkans. Eleonora hold s a PhD in International Political Economy from the Department of International Politics at City University London. She has worked as consultant for a number of prominent international organizations and public institutions, such IDS Thomson Reuters, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and OSIFE. Dr Poli is the author of "Antitrust Institutions and Policies in the Globalising Economy", as well as of several book chapters, opinion pieces, articles, and analyses on the EU political trends and economic policies.

Elisa Ferreira


Elisha Winckel, climate justice activist, content creator and former vice-president of the Young European Socialists (YES)

Ellen MacArthur


Éloi Laurent

Émeric Brehier

Former member of the French Parliament, since 2022 part of Action Europe

Emilija Svobaite

Columnist and human rights activist focusing on gender equality and labour rights.

Emily O’Reilly


Lindgren, candidate to the European parliament for the Swedish Socialdemocrates, president of the Swedish Social Democratic student federation 2021-2023


candidate to the European parliament for the Swedish Socialdemocrates, president of the Swedish Social Democratic student federation 2021-2023

Emma Murphy

Emmanuel Rivière


Deputy spokesperson in Madrid City Hall and a regular panellist on numerous national media outlets

Enrico LETTA

EU Rapporteur on the future of the single market, and President of the Jacques Delors Institute

Enrique Barón

Enrique Barόn Crespo


Research Fellow and Communication strategist at LO, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation

Ernst Hillebrand


Partner and chairman of the board of Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Finland

Esteban Pratviel

Esther Niubó

Esther-Mirjam SENT

Chair of the Labour Party (PvdA) in the Netherlands, professor of economic theory and policy at Radboud University, Netherlands

Eugenia Arvanitis

Eva Illouz


managing director and co-owner of IFES, a Vienna-based polling and applied social research company

Eveliina Heinäluoma

Member of the Finish Parliament and City Councilor of Helsinki


Vice-President of the European Parliament

Evelyne Godfrey

Evernice Munando


Ewa Duda-Mikulin

Fabio Wolkenstein

Associate Professor of Transformations of Democracy, University of Vienna, Austria. Fabio studies the history of political ideologies, political representation and intra-party democracy

Fabrizio BARCA

Co-coordinator Forum Disuguaglianze Diversità

Fawaz A. Gerges

Professor of International Relations and Middle Eastern politics at the London School of Economics, author of the forthcoming book The Hundred Years' War for Control of the Middle East: From Sykes-Picot to the Deal of the Century (Princeton University Press, 2021).

Federica Mogherini

Federico Fabbrini

Federico Sarchi

Fedinando Nelli Feroci


Managing Director of the Head Office of the SPD parliamentary group in the Federal State Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate

Felipe González


political scientist and postdoctoral fellow at the Central European University Vienna


Fernanda Cimini

Professor of International Political Economy at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and Senior Researcher at the Brazilian Centre of International Relations (CEBRI)

Fernando Doblas


Spanish student at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, where he specialises in EU studies and the politics of central and eastern Europe.

Filip Karan

Junior Policy Manager for Digital Transformation at EPHA

Filip Outrata

Filipe Vasconcelos Romao

Filipe Vasconcelos Romão is an assistant professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon. He is also the resident of the Chamber of Commerce Portugal - Atlântico Sul.

Fiona Barker

Senior Lecturer in Comparative Politics at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Florent Guhl


PhD, associate researcher at the French institute of international relations, Director of the Observatoire des Balkans at the Fondation Jean Jaurès in Paris and Associate Researcher at the Centre international de formation européenne

Florian Ranft

is Head of Programme Economic and Social Transformation and focuses on inclusive growth and the future of work. In previous capacities, he was Head of Policy and International at Policy Network, and a former Senior Research Analyst at the Centre for Progressive Policy. Previously, he was a researcher and lecturer in political sociology and international relations at the Universities of Frankfurt and Greifswald.

Fortunato Musella

Phd in Political Science of the University of Florence, is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Naples Federico II and Professor of Political Concepts for the Phd course of the Scuola Normale di Pisa.  He is currently member of the Editorial Board of the Italian Political Science Review, and he serves in the Executive Board of Federica WebLearning, Center for Innovation and Dissemination of Distance Learning His main research interests include the study of government, presidential politics, political parties, concept analysis and new media. Among his recent publications the volumes Governi monocratici. La svolta presidenziale nelle regioni italiane (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009) and Il premier diviso. Italia tra presidenzialismo e parlamentarismo (Milan, Bocconi, 2012), and fifty book chapters and articles published in peer review journal such as European Political Science Review, Representation, Contemporary Italian Politics, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, Quaderni di Scienza Politica.

Frances O’Grady

Frances Stewart

François Gemene

Frank Lorenz

Fred Block

Freddy Thielemans

Frededrik Zuiderveen Borgesius

Frédéric Dabi

Frédérique Masson

Gabor Scheiring

Geert De Pauw

Coordinator of Community Land Trust Brussels

Geert Lovink

Geert Mak

Geert-Jan Bogaerts

Genaro Cuadros Ibáñez

Member of the Salvador Allende Foundation. Teacher of Urban Planning at Diego Portales University (Santiago de Chile).

Geneviève Pons

Geoffrey Harris

Georg Hubmann


Director General of the Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Professor of European Politics & Economy at the Athens University of Economics, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges.


Former Member of the European Parliament. Former Chairman of national Assembly of Bulgaria

Gerald Demmel

Gerald Knaus


is a social researcher and writer who is also experienced in political campaigning, community engagement and teaching. She has degrees from Cambridge and The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) where, based in the Centre for Social Exclusion, she completed a PhD in Social Policy. She has recently worked with Compass (London), the Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations’ Council (EVOC), Foundation for European Progressive Studies (Brussels), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (London and Nordic countries) and the Think Tank for Action on Social Change (Ireland). She lives in Woking, Surrey where she stood as Labour’s parliamentary candidate in the 2019 general election. She currently chairs local Compass and Make Votes Matter groups and co-directs a community fridge project. Her forthcoming book, co-authored with Marcos González Hernando, ‘Uncomfortably Off: Why the Top 10% of Earners Should Care about Inequality’ is published by Policy Press in May 2023.


President of the Humboldt-Viadrina Governance Platform and Chair of the SPD Fundamental Values Commission

Giacomo Orsini

Senior Associate Researcher at the Institute for European Studies


was elected Chair of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament on 2 July 2014. As leader of the Socialists and Democrats (2014-2018), Gianni committed to fighting inequalities by shoring up growth and employment in the EU. Besides his political work, Gianni is the author of several books on the future and challenges of the European project such as a Brief History of the Future of the United States of Europe (2013). He is also a visiting professor at the University of East Anglia’s London Academy of Diplomacy.

Giedrė Purvaneckienė

Phd. Affiliated researcher at Vilnius University

Gilles Finchelstein

Gilles Pargneaux

Giordana Pulcini

Global Fellow with the Wilson Center's Nuclear Proliferation International History Project, teaches an MA course on the History of Transatlantic Relations at the University of Roma

Giovanni Allegretti

Giulia Laganà

Giuliano Amato

Giuseppe Provenzano

Glyn Ford

Grant Duncan

Associate Professor at the School of People, Environment and Planning at Massey University, New Zealand

Guillaume Balas

Gunnar Grímsson

Gustavo Cardoso

Guy S Goodwin-Gill

Gwendoline Lefebvre

Gyula Hegyi

Hungarian politician and a former Member of the European Parliament for the Hungarian Socialist Party

Håkan A Bengtsson

CEO of the progressive Arena Group in Stockholm

Hannah DEASY

Chair of Labour Women, and Director of Member Communications with Fórsa trade union. She previously worked with Women for Election and the Party of European Socialists.

Hannah TYLER

Program Officer, Foreign and Security Policies, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung DC

Hannu Ruonavaara


Senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound.


Emeritus Professor of Comparative Political Science at the VU University Amsterdam

Hans Wolfgang Micklitz

Harri Hursti

Heiko Maas

Heinz-Josef Bontrup

Helena DALLI

Helena Morais

PhD candidate at the University of Minas Gerais (UFMG, Brazil), researching Latin American political economy

Henri Möllers

Hervé Rony

Hocine Zeghbib

Hristo Panchugov

Assistant Professor in the Political Science Department at New Bulgarian University

Hurşit Guneş

Iain Begg

His main research work is on the political economy of European integration and EU economic governance. He is also associate fellow at Chatham House.


Vice President of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) and Executive Director of GMF’s Brussels office

Ian Russell

partner at Beacon Media, a progressive media and digital campaign firm in Washington, DC

Ignacio Martín Granados

 Political Advisor and a member of the Governing Board of the Political Communication Association (ACOP)


chairman of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party, editor-in-chief of the magazine Position

Ildiko Otova


Researcher at Kaunas University of Technology Faculty of Social Sciences, Art, and Humanities.

Irene Sanchez


Member of the European Parliament (S&D, Portugal), member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development and rapporteur for the EP report 'A long-term vision for the EU's rural areas'

Isabelle Lenarduzzi


Deputy General Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)

Isilda GOMES

Mayor of Portimão (PES/Portugal), Chair of the Commission for Natural Resources at the European Committee of the Regions

Isilda GOMES

Mayor of Portimão

Isobel Tomlinson

Itxaso Domínguez de Olazábal

Iulius Rostas

Visiting Professor at the Central European University and the National School of Political Science and Administration (Romania)

Ivana Bacik

Reid Professor of Criminal Law, Criminology and Penology at Trinity College Dublin

Jacek Zakowski

Jackie Jones


Chairperson of the Board, Head of African Futures & Innovation, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria

Jakub Dymek

Jakub Patočka

James Kenneth Galbraith


Fellow at the Center for American Progress

Jan Cremers

Jan Marinus WIERSMA

Fellow Wiardi Beckman Foundation, former International Secretary PvdA

Jana Faus

co-founded pollytix strategic research, a research-based consulting agency focusing on social research, election campaigns and issue management. Jana has co-authored ‘Aus Fehlern lernen’ (‘Learning from mistakes’), the analysis of the SPD election campaign 2017.

Jānis Urbanovičs

Saskaņa Social Democratic Party, Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the parliamentary group

Jaroslav Bílek


Associate Director with  Migration Policy Institute Europe

Javier Moreno

PSOE Member of the European Parliament (EP), Head of the Spanish Delegation in the EP and former Secretary General of the S&D Group (2014-2019)

Jean Pascal van Ypersele

Jean Pisani-Ferry

Jean-Michel Lafleur

Jean-Pierre Bobichon

Jenny Marika Lindgren Åsbrink

Chief analyst of SAP, the Social Democratic Party of Sweden

Jens Stolenberg

Jeremy Shapiro


Political scientist, former state secretary for higher education and science of Slovenia

Jérôme Jamin

Jesper Bengtsson


CEO of Social Changes and a long-time advisor to Democratic Party and European social democratic political campaigns

Jiska Engelbert

Joakim Johansson


S&D Member of the European Parliament and former President of the Young European Socialists

João Duarte Albuquerque


Senior Fellow and Director of Global Progress, Center for American Progress

John Callaghan

Professor of Politics and Contemporary History at the University of Salford. Socialism in Britain since 1884 (Oxford, 1990) and The Retreat of Social Democracy (Manchester, 2000) are among the major works that he has written.


Senior fellow and co-director of politics and elections at the Center for American Progress, a progressive think tank based in Washington D.C.

John Weeks

Jonas Fernandez Alvarez

Jörg Leichtfried

Jörgen Siil

Adviser of S&D Group at the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee since 2011

Joris Lohman

José Félix Tezanos

José Irán Moreno Santos

President of the Foundation for Progressive Political, Economic and Social Studies (Mexico)


Joseph Nye

Jourdain Vaillant

Juan F. López AGUILAR

Socialist MEP and Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament

Juan Moscoso del Prado Hernández

Juan Somavía

was UN Ambassador for Chile from 1990 to 1999, and then took office as ILO’s Director-General until 2012. Michelle Bachelet appointed him Counsellor for Labour affairs in 2013. He was UN Special Adviser on Inter-regional Policy Cooperation and now is Director-General of the International Labour Organizaiton (ILO).



Secretary General of industriAll Europe and former member of the European Parliament for North-East England

Judith Möller


Julia Ivan

Júlia López Ventura

Julian Bruns

Juliane Kronen


Head of the CHP's Representation to the EU in Brussels.

Karl-Heinz Lambertz


SDP Croatia International Secretary

Karolina Ziolo-Puzuk

Katalin Halmai

Kate Hudson

Kathrin Gloesel

Kathryn Simpson

Kathy Errington

Executive Director of the Helen Clark Foundation (NZ)

Kati Piri

Member of the European Parliament and Vice-President of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the EP

Katia Glod

political risks consultant on former Soviet countries and fellow at the Centre for European Policy Analysis

Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh

Katrina Miller

Program Director


senior fellow in the Liberty and Security Project of the Center for American Progress, a multi-issue progressive think tank in Washington DC. He has previously worked for the Labour Party and the Institute for Public Policy Research.

Ken Loach

Kenneth Hacker

Kevin Cunningham

Lecturer in Politics at Technological University Dublin

Kevin Rudd

Klara Boonstra

Professor of International Labour Law

Klaus Hänsch

Knut Dethlefsen

Representative to the US and Canada of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Knut Fleckenstein

Konrad Golota

Konrad Golota is PES Advisor on the Central and Eastern Europe.

Krystyna Kacpura

Krzysztof Gawkowski

Chair of Lewica's parliamentary delegation

Ksenia Svetlova

former Member of the Knesset, Director of the Program on Israel-Middle East Relations at Mitvim – The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies and Senior Research Fellow at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya.

Lara Friedman


Foreign Affairs Advisor


MP and Chair of the Standing Committee of the Chamber of Deputies on Human Rights, Italy

Laura Coccia

Laurent Alexandre

Laurent Berger

Laurent Berger is the new President of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). He is also the Secretary General of the French Democratic Confederation of Labour (CFDT).


Director at Kalevi Sorsa Foundation

Laust Høgedahl

Layla Zaidane

Executive Director & COO | Millennial Action Project

Leany Lemos


is a researcher on European Cohesion Policy. His research interests are related to issues of policy change in Cohesion policy, EU Enlargement, administrative capacity building and Europeanisation in Southeast Europe. He has worked as a policy researcher at the University of Strathclyde, the University of West Macedonia, and the Computer Technology Institute.


Iranian lawyer, human rights advocate, and women's rights expert, co-initiator of the One Million Signatures Campaign to pressure the Iranian government into ending legal discrimination against Iranian women. She has been honoured by the European Union as a 2016 Sakharov Fellow in human rights and received the Anna Politkovskaya Award in 2009 from Reach All Women in War. Her book, 'Women, Law and Activism in Iran' was published in 2019.

Leo Hoffmann-Axthelm

Leyla Ates

Lieve Fransen

Lina Galvez

FEPS Vice-President
Chair of FEPS Scientific Council, Member of the European Parliament Alliance of Socialists and Democrats


Executive Director European Climate Foundation, former MEP, Coordinator /VP S&D Group on Environment, Chair of Development Committee

Liutauras Gudžinskas

Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at Vilnius University, Director of Institute for Solidarity, Deputy Leader of the LSDP

Liza Deléon

Project manager in economic development and territorial promotion at the GPS&O local authority (Communauté Urbaine Grand Paris Seine et Oise), researcher in European intraregional spatial imbalances

Lizzie O’Shea


PhD Candidate at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. Her research topic is “Political actors and interest groups, which influenced and shaped the European Pillar of Social Rights”

Louka T. Katseli

Co-chair, Professor of Economics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


is affiliate professor at the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po, emeritus professor of the University of Athens, and president of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP).


Vice-Chair of the IUCN CEESP/Europe (Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy)

Luca Jahier


President of the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions and President of the Local Assembly in the Municipality of Capannori

Luca Visentini


social and media affairs enthusiast, member of the French Socialist Party

Lucia Annunziata

Former Chairwoman of Italian Public Television, Rai. She hosts “Mezz’ora in più”, a weekly Sunday show on national and international politics. She has been Editor of the Huffingtonpost Italy, between 2012 and 2020; she has been Editor of TG3, the third largest Italian newscast; Editor of Ap.Biscom, the Italian branch of the Associated Press. She was a foreign correspondent for the Italian newspapers La Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, La Stampa, covering over the years Central and Latin America, Middle East, the Balkans, and the United States. She is a member of the Executive Committee of Aspen Institute Italy. She has recently been appointed member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Encyclopedia “Treccani”. Author of many books, Lucia Annunziata is recipient of Harvard University Nieman Fellowship.


city councillor, secretary for the Public Services Commission, technical background, PhD candidate, member of the FEPS One to Watch programme

Luciano BARDI

President of the Observatory on Political Parties and Representation of the University of Pisa

Luděk Jirka

Ludovic Suttor-Sorel

At Finance Watch, he is working on sustainable finance and natural capital. He also helps designing our campaigns and engaging with civil society organizations, activists and stakeholders.

Luis Arroyo

Luk Van Langenhove

Lukas Haffert

Lukas Vaigauskas

International Secretary of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania

Luke Savage

Staff Writer for Jacobin Magazine. He also works for Current Affairs, The Guardian, New Statesman, Globe & Mail, LRC, & others

Luuk van Middelaar


International Secretary, Social Democratic Party, Estonia

Maj Jensen Christensen

Secretary General of Young European Socialists.  Maj was vice president of DSU Denmark 2014-2016 and Secretary General in the same organisation 2016-2018.


International lawyer and Convenor of the Climate Governance Commission. She is also co-winner of the International New Shape Prize on Global Governance Innovation, Senior Treaty Advisor, Integrity Initiatives International and Co-Founder, Global Governance Forum

Makis Mylonas

Makis Mylonas works as an accredited parliamentary assistant in the European Parliament, mostly following the activities of Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET). All views expressed in the article are strictly personal

Marc Isaac Pons Pons

Secretary for Just Ecological Transition and Biodiversity Conservation of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE)

Marcela Ahumada

 has extensive experience in public institutions, mainly as a cabinet advisor and member of the governing boards of various foundations linked to education, culture and human rights.

Marco Almagisti

Professor of Political Science at the University of Padua and coordinates the Standing Group “Politics and History” for the Italian Political Science Society (with Carlo Baccetti).

Marco LISI

Associate Professor at the Department of Political Studies, Nova University of Lisbon

Marco Senatore


FEPS YAN European Progressive Geopolitics, Vice President PES-Rainbow Rose

Mari Huupponen

Public health scientist and Trade Unionist, Kommunal (Municipal Workers' Union), Sweden. Member of FEPS-FES care experts group.

Mari K. Niemi


Political adviser on social policies at the Party of European Socialists Group in the European Committee of the Regions


Senior Policy Analyst, Institute for Human Services, Columbus, Ohio and Program director, Family, Child, Youth Association, Budapest, Hungary

Maria Noichl

Maria Panayiotou

Member of the Central Committee and spokesperson of EDEK


Deputy President of EDEK Socialist Party

Marianne Mikko

Marilena Koppa

 PhD, is an Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at Panteion University and author of several articles and books on Balkan Politics, minority issues, democratization, nationalism and European politics.

Marina Ohanjanyan

Marina Ohanjanyan is a Senior Project Manager for Eastern Europe and South Caucasus at the Foundation Max van der Stoel, based in the Netherlands.

Mario Del Pero

Maris Grinvalds

Marisol Touraine

Marissa Ryan

Marja Bijl

Mark Campanale

Mark Skilton

Mark Thatcher

Markku Valtanen

Project Researcher at the Kalevi Sorsa Foundation, Finland

Marta Gionco

Marta Pilati

Martin Höpner

Martin Kovats

co-author of Rethinking Roma – Identities, Politicisation and New Agendas (Palgrave, 2017)


researcher and project manager at IFES, focussing on work and employment, as well as politics and elections

Martin Quencez

Managing director of geopolitical risk and strategy, German Marshall Fund of the United States

Martin Winkler

Mary Honeyball

Massimiliano Mascherini

Massimo D’Alema

Mathieu FULLA

is a Research fellow at the Center for History at Sciences Po (Paris). His main research areas are the history of the West European Labour Movement and its relationship with capitalism and the state from 1945 to the present.

Mathieu LOHR

policy, speechwriting and grant consultant focusing on peacebuilding, gender and youth dynamics in conflict and post-conflict settings


is associate professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, where he teaches courses in international law. He graduated at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, where he completed a doctorate in 1999. In 2001 he has completed his doctoral program (SJD) at Harvard University School of Law. His area of research: international law, legal institutions and development, EU law and comparative business law. He has published three monographs on the legal reforms and transition in Central and Eastern Europe, on EU institutional reforms and EU role in the world. His scientific articles are published in national and international reviews. He was legal adviser to the prime minister and the president of the Republic of Slovenia. He lectures as a guest lecturer abroad and he participates in international scientific conferences. He is a member of FEPS Next Left.

Matteo Marenco

Matthew Bishop

Matthias LÜCKE

Matthias Luecke is a senior researcher at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and an adjunct professor at Kiel University

Maurizio Ferrera

Maurizio Martina

Mauro Calise

 is a Past-President of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (2008-10). He is the founder and Director of, the largest worldwide provider of open access multimedia courseware in Italian. He has published books, journal articles and newspaper columns in several areas, including state theory, political parties, executive elites, political communication and concept analysis. He is the author, with Theodore J. Lowi, of Hyperpolitics. An Interactive Dictionary of Political Science Concepts, University of Chicago Press (2010). His latest publications in Italian include: Il partito personale (Laterza, 2000 and 2010), La democrazia del leader (Laterza, 2016) and (with Fortunato Musella) Il Principe digitale (Laterza 2019).

Max Bergmann

Senior Fellow and Director for Europe and Russia at the Center for American Progress


Policy officer at the Belgian federal Ministry of Science Policy (Belspo) and coordinator of technology diplomacy at the Brussels Diplomatic Academy (VUB)

Maxime Huré

Maya Fernandez

 was local councillor in the municipality of Ñuñoa between 2008 and 2012.Between 2006 and 2012, she was part of the General Directorate of International Economic Relations (DIRECON) of Chile’s Foreign Ministry. In 2013, she was elected Member of Parliament for the period 2014 – 2018. In 2017, she was reelected  for the period 2018 -2022. Since last 11th March she is the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile. 

Michael Bradshaw

Professor of Global Energy in the Strategy and International Business Group at Warwick Business School and Co-Director of the UK Energy Research Centre


member of the Basic Value Commission of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD)

Michael Cooney

Michael Dauderstädt

Michael Keating

Michael Kennedy

 Professor of Sociology and International and Public Affairs at Brown University

Michael Ludwig

Michael Rosecker


Financial stability expert, President of Greentervention (for the green and social transition)

Michaela KAUER

Head of Brussels Office of the City of Vienna

Michal Sutowski

 is a political scientist, columnist for "Krytyka Polityczna", translator and analyst.

Michał Syska

Michel Derdevet

Michel Foucher

Michel Serres

Michele LeVoy

Director of PICUM (Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants)

Michele Prospero

Michele Prospero is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Roma Sapienza

Miguel de Porras

Miguel Silva Graça


Lecturer in European Studies at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest

Mihail Mirchev

Mikael LEYI

Secretary General of SOLIDAR

Miloš Đajić

 founder of the Center of Modern Skills and member of Democratic party. He is an activist, feminist, blogger and consultant for Political PR

Miltiadis KYRKOS

is Member of the European Parliament (S&D, Greece) and ViceChair of the European Parliament’s Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee. He also serves as a substitute for the Delegation for Relations with Israel.

Mindaugas Kluonis

Political scientist, adviser to the President of the Republic (2006-2009) and assistant to a member of the Parliament (2012-2016)

Mitchell A Orenstein


Mayor of Leuven, Belgium

Monica Valente

 is the secretary for International Relations at Brazil’s Workers Party (PT) and the executive secretary of the Foro de São Polo conferences which unite progressive parties from Latin America and the Caribbean.

Montserrat Mir Roca


Nadia Hijab

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem

Nancy Yuk

Co-founder of Greentervention, an association for the green and social transition.

Nat O’Connor

Natascha Strobl

Nebil İlseven

Chairman of the Progressive Thought Institute, a progressive platform of policy oriented seminars, workshops, research and publishing in Turkey.


Managing Director of the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) in Washington, DC

Neera Tanden

Nerio Cavallo

EU expert

Neva Grašič


Lecturer and PhD candidate in Political Science at the University of Amsterdam, focusing on comparative politics, elections and the relationships between parties and civil society.

Nick Witney


Nicola Love


Head of the Italian S&D delegation in the European Parliament and President of Fondazione DEMO, Foundation of the Italian Democratic Party

Nicole-Marie Meyer

Niels Keijzer

Nigel Purvis

Nikica Kolar

Nikita Alamango

President of Labour Women


President of Labour Women within the Labour Party, Malta

Niklas Ferch

Nikola Burazer

 Programme Director at the Centre for Contemporary Politics and the Executive Editor at European Western Balkans


Nils Kleimeier, masters student in International Relations and Global Political Economy at the Dresden University of Technology.

Nils Schmid

Nimrod GOREN

Senior Fellow for Israeli Affairs at the Middle East Institute, President of the Mitvim Institute, and Co-Founder of Diplomeds – The Council for Mediterranean Diplomacy


Senior Fellow, EU and Eastern Neighbourhood/ Global Actors (Russia), Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)

Nout van der Vaart

Policy Lead Food and Land at Oxfam Novib (the Dutch branch of Oxfam)

Nuno Almeida Eça

Economic Adviser, European Parliament


Berlin Director and Senior Advisor to the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity (TCEI) at the Alliance of Democracies Foundation

Olaf Bruns

Oliver Nachtwey

Olivier Degandt

Oliviero Toscani


managing director of Alliance4Europe, and a board member of the DISARM Foundation


Political scientist, researcher at the Institute for Political and Social Sciences (UAB) and member of the board of Rafael Campalans foundation

Osman Korutürk


Head of Special Projects in the Office of the Executive Director at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS).


Director of the Ankara Office of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Pamela Meil

Panagiotis Ioakeimidis

 is Member of the FEPS Scientific Council, Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Paolo Celot

Paolo Pasimeni

Senior Associate Researcher at IES-VUB


Pascal Zwicky, works in the education system of the city of Zurich and for the think tank Denknetz; between 2012 and 2018 he was responsible for policy issues at the Swiss SP

Patricia Huber


Professor of Public Policy at Queen Mary, University of London and a member of the FEPS Scientific Council

Patrick Gaspard

Patrick Vesan


Director, Masaryk Democratic Academy

Pau Mari Klose

Member of the Spanish National Parliament. Professor University of Zaragoza


Policy Director at Open Future

Paul Mason


Member of the European Parliament

Pauline Véron

Pedro Marques


Mayor of Almeirim

Pedro Nuno Santos

Pepe Lopez

Per-Anders Hillgren

Péter Balázs

Peter Hug

International Secretary and for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Social Democratic Party of Switzerland

Peter Koch Palshøj

Head of communication at The Danish Electricians Union, former Secretary general of SAMAK

Péter Niedermüller

Petr Pospíchal

Petra BAYR


lawyer and communications expert, currently working at the University of Athens, senior member of PASOK-KINAL, the Greek Socialist Party, former President of Young European Socialists, former member of PES Presidency and of the Central Committee of PASOK

Philip Alston

Philip Gamaghelyan


Economist, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)


Founder of the think tank Dezernat Zukunft, which focuses on monetary, financial and economic policy

Philippe Aghion

Philippe Close


Professor of French and European politics at University College London

Philippe Pochet

Philippe Van Parijs

Pia Höfferle

conservation ornithologist at DOPPS BirdLife Slovenia

Pier Carlo PADOAN

is Professor at the Sapienza University of Rome, and at the College of Bruges, and ULB in Belgium. He served as Director of the International Monetary Fund for Italy (2001-2005), Deputy Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – OECD (2007-2014), and Minister of Economy and Finance for Italy (2014-2018). Padoan coordinated the ‘Lisbon Agenda’ for the Italian government in 2000. His books include 'The Structural Foundations of International Finance' (Edward Elgar 2003).

Piero Fassino

Pierre Defraigne

Pierre Kroll

Pierre Larrouturou

Currently General Rapporteur for the next EU budget, Pierre Larrouturou is funder and member of the French political party Nouvelle Donne. Authors of several books.

Pierre Moscovici

Pierre Vimont


Member of the National Council of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP).


former danish primer minister and PES president

Power 2 Youth

Przemysław Sadura

Professor University of Warsaw

Radovan GEIST

Editor in Chief at EuractivSK

Ralf-Uwe Beck

Ramón Jáuregui Atondo

Ramona Coman

Professor and president of the IEE (Institut d'études européennes)

Raúl Delgado Wise

Raul Magni-Berton

Reiner Hoffmann


President of the European Women's Lobby, Chair of the Hungarian Women's Lobby

Remigijus MOTUZAS

Remigijus Motuzas, former Minister of Education of Lithuania, current member of the Vilnius City Council and Memeber of the Lithuanian Parliament

Renzo Guolo

Reza Marashi

Rhonda Donaghey

 is a Trade Union Official, long time PES Activist, a Member of Irish Labour Party & a Member of Labour Women.

Ricard Zapata-Barrero

Richard Murphy

Richard Wilkinsona

Rick Smith

Executive Director of the Broadbent Institute, a Canadian, FEPS-affiliated, progressive training and policy organisation.


Research Associate at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Department of Communication Science. He is also part of PRECEDE, a cross-national Consortium research on Populism’s Roots


Senior Policy Analyst National Security and International Policy, Center for American Progress

Robert Biedroń

Robert Feustel

Robert H. Frank

Robert Kuttner


Emeritus Professor of European Politics at Keele University, UK. His research interests and publications are situated at the intersection of European Union and political party activity as well as the party politics of climate change.

Robert Misik


Editor-in-Chief, Res Humana bimonthly, Warsaw


is head of policy at TASC. His work centres on topics related to inequality. He has completed projects on a variety of topics, including income distribution, housing, care, corporate tax, and more. Robert has a PhD in economics from the University of Leeds in which he examined the growth of the financial sector in Europe.

Róbert Viðar Bjarnason


Policy Officer, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Slovakia

Roberto FORIN

Programme Coordinator at the Mixed Migration Centre

Roee Kibrik

Director of Research at Mitvim - the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies

Roger Norrington

Roland Schafer

Romano Bellissima

Romano Prodi

Romeo Orlandi

President of Osservatorio Asia

Ronja Kempin

 is a Senior Fellow in the EU/Europe Division of Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), the German Institute for International and Security Affairs.

Rosa Balfour

Roselma Évora

Ruairi QUINN

Vice-President and Treasurer

Ruxandra IVAN

Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Bucharest

Sabina Dewan

 is Founder and Executive Director of the JustJobs Network, which she began with John Podesta in 2013. She is also a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Center for Policy Research in India, and a Non-Resident Fellow at the Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire.


Professor and author of ‘Digital Capitalism and Distributive Forces’


Dr Sacha Garben is Professor of EU law at the College of Europe, Bruges. She has published widely on a range of constitutional and substantive issues of EU law, including Social Europe, the platform economy and fundamental social rights.

Saïd El-Khadraoui

Sample Editor for Tests

San Bilal

Senior Executive, ECDPM, the think-and-do-tank for Africa-Europe relations

Sandra Parthie


Historian and Cultural Scientist, International Secretary and Head of Topic Management for the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland

Sébastien Gricourt

Selim Karaosmanoglu

Senada Selo Sabic

Serena Giusti

Lecturer of International Relations at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies and Senior Associate Research Fellow at the Institute for International Studies (ISPI) in Milan

Shauna Stanley

Shoshana Zuboff

Simona Bonafè

Siôn Simon

Siria Taurelli

Content Coordinator of Governance and Quality Assurance of Lifelong Learning at the European Training Foundation (ETF)

Slavina Spasova

Sofia Belardinelli

PhD student in Environmental Ethics at the University of Naples Federico II

Sofia Serra da Silva

Sofia Vasilopoulou

Sofie Holme Andersen

holds a Master of Science in Economics and works for the Economic Council of the Labour Movement (ECLM) since 2018. Before she was employed by the Danish Economic Councils.


Vice President of the SDP Croatia's Women's Forum and the Vice President of PES Women

Sophia Besch

Sophia Christodoulou MAKRI

Member of the European and International Affairs Bureau of EDEK Socialist Party


Professor of Chinese Studies

Staffan de Mistura

Stefan Georgiev

Sociologist and political analyst, board member of Institute for Social Integration (ISI) – Sofia

Stefan Voigt

Stephen Eric Bronner

Stewart Lansley

Susan George

Susan Landau

Susanne Asche

Susanne Wixforth

Susi Meret

is Associate Professor in Comparative Migration Politics and Ethnic Relations in the Social Sciences, Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University, DK. Her main expertise is within populist radical right parties in Europe, populism, political extremes and politically motivated violence. She coordinated the research network on Nordic Populism (NOPO) and participated to several Nordic and European projects.

Sven Mikser

Member of the European Parliament, S&D Group, Estonia



Professor of political science, Tampere University

Telmo Pievani

Test Tester

Thiébaut Weber

Thomas Hackl

Thomas Spijkerboer

professor of migration law at the Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


is Policy Director of IG Metall. He is an internationally acknowledged expert on the future of work and has been a member of the ILO‘s Global Commission on the Future of Work chaired by South African president Cyril Ramaphosa and Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven. From 2014 to 2018 Thorben has been a State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.



Professor of Politics at Queen Mary University of London and author of The Conservative Party after Brexit: Turmoil and Transformation

Tim Oliver


Tobias Gerhard Schminke

Todd N. Tucker

Tom Dobber

Tom Krieps


is a senior non-residential fellow at the Centre of Global Political Economy at the Institute of International Relations in Prague. He is also director of Progressive Analytical Centre, the Prague based think-tank. Since 2022 he is member of the Board of Trustees of the Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom.

Tomás Vieira Silva

Junior Lecturer at the Political Science Department of the University of Amsterdam

Tomas Wyns

Tony Payne

Tsvetelina PENKOVA

Member of the European Parliament, S&D Group


Research officer, African Futures & Innovation Program, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria

Tuulia Pitkänen


Professor of the History of Political Institutions at the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy)


Professor for European Policy at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn and founder of the European Democracy Lab

Umberto Boschi

Ummu Salma Bava

Professor and Jean Monnet Chair, Centre for European Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

Unai Gómez-Hernández

PhD candidate in the EU's external action at the University of Edinburgh and KU Leuven

Ursula HUWS

Director, Analytica Social and Economic Research

Uta Staiger

Valentin Quintus Nicolescu

Valentina Durán

is a lawyer and scholar who works as Director of the Environmental Law Center at Universidad de Chile.

Valerio de Stefano

is the BOF-ZAP Professor of Labour Law at the Institute for Labour Law of the University of Leuven.

Vasco Alves CORDEIRO

President of the European Committee of the Regions. Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores since 1996 and President of the Regional Government from 2012 to 2020, Cordeiro has been the leader of the Socialist Party of the Azores since January 2013.

Vassilis NTOUSAS

was International Relations Policy Advisor at FEPS, where he coordinated various international projects and activities and conducted political research

Vesselin Popov

Victor Bostinaru


Vice-President of the European Parliament, member of the Budgets and Legal Affairs Committees, Vice-President of the Party of European Socialists (PES), National Coordinator of PES activists Romania, part of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament

Victoria Stoiciu

Victoria Vdovychenko

Associate Professor, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, and Visiting Researcher, Catholic University Louvain

Vincent Mosco


PhD Candidate at the University of Koblenz, working on the antagonisms and ambivalences in the Alternative für Deutschland's discursive construction of collective identity

Violetta Zentai

social anthropologist, associate professor at the Central European University, Budapest-Vienna. Her research focuses on ethnic and gender inequalities, post-socialist socio-economic transformations and social justice and pro-equality civil society formations.

Virginia DIGNUM

Professor of Responsible Artificial Intelligence at Umeå University, Sweden and director of WASP-HS, the Wallenberg Program on Humanities and Society for AI

Vivien A. Schmidt

Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration in the Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University

Vladimír ŠPIDLA

Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (2002-2004) and European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (2004-2010)

Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz

Wolfgang Engler

Wolfgang MERKEL

Director em. of the 'Democracy and Democratisation' research department at the Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB) and Professor em. of Political Science at the Humboldt University Berlin

Wouter Zwysen

Yanai Weiss

Yannis Caloghirou

Yasmin Fahimi

Yonca Özdemir

Yves-Marie Cann

Zefi Dimadama

Zena Agha

Zuzana Uhde