Esther LYNCH

Deputy Secretary-General of European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
Find all Progressive Post by Esther LYNCH
Progressive Post

A major step forward for fair wages

Wages should never leave workers and their families living in poverty. However, that has been the reality for one in ten workers in Europe. The EU minimum wage directive is a step in the right direction for fairer wages across Europe. Nonetheless, this directive is not an end in itself. More work needs to be done to maximise its potential benefit and ensure that wages are collectively bargained. Collective bargaining is a collective benefit: it means better outcomes for workers, the economy and society as a whole.

Time for Pay Transparency

A Gender Pay Transparency Directive could be a game changer that pushes forward to achieve pay equality.
Find all audiovisual with Esther LYNCH

Unions for a New Social Agenda with Esther Lynch

FEPS Talks #147

Unions for a New Social Agenda with Esther Lynch – FEPS Talks #147