Georgios MANALIS
Georgios Manalis is a research economist, currently working as an Early Career Researcher (Post-Doc) at the School of Economics in the University of Edinburgh. Georgios held the A.G. Leventis Chair (Research Fellowship) at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) for the year 2021/22. Prior to that, he has worked as a Special Research Scientist at the Department of Economics in the University of Cyprus (2020/21), and as an economic analyst in the research department of the National Bank of Greece (internship position). Georgios holds a PhD in Economics from the European University Institute (Florence, Italy), a MSc in Political Science and Political Economy from the London School of Economics (London, UK), and a Ptychion and a MSc in Economic Science from the Athens University of Economics and Business (Athens, Greece). His research interests include macroeconomics and development, economic growth and international economics. His work has been presented in multiple academic conferences (e.g., SIOE-2022, AMES-2022, EEA- 2022, CEPR-STEG-2021, GLAD conference-2021, EERN Conference-2020), as well as received research awards (7th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award – 2019, Best paper at Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2019, Shortlisted for LAGV Prize (ASSET 2019)).