Senior Policy Analyst at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung’s Competence Centre on the Future of Work

Justin was part of FEPS team from 2018 until 2023 as a Senior Policy Analyst for the digital policy portfolio. He previously worked as policy officer in the Secretariat-General of the European Commission. He started in the Directorate for Better Regulation, and then proceeded to take on the digital policy portfolio in the President’s and Vice-President’s Briefing Unit. After that, he became a policy coordinator working on digital and single market policy files.

In the past years, Justin has been among others involved in drafting the European Commission’s mid-term review of the Digital Single Market Strategy, and in policy on standards and standard-essential patents, audio-visual media, Internet governance, the collaborative economy, product liability and the internal market for goods.

During his studies, Justin gained work experience at the law firm De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek and at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Justin holds a Master in European Competition Law and Regulation from the University of Amsterdam, as well as Bachelor’s Degrees in Law and International Relations from the University of Groningen.

Find all publications by Justin NOGAREDE

Forging the new EU agenda

Progressive inputs for European economic policy

Time to build a European digital ecosystem

Recommendations for the EU’s digital policy

Progressive pathways to European strategic autonomy 

European Strategic Autonomy series

No digitalisation without representation

An analysis of policies to empower labour in the digital workplace
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Find all Progressive Post by No digitalisation without representation
Progressive Post

Digital strategic autonomy: the EU needs to go beyond legislation

To achieve strategic autonomy in the digital domain, the EU must do more than legislate. […]

What do we want from technology?

Technologies are developed with a goal in mind, they embody certain values, and favour certain uses.
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Find all events with Justin NOGAREDE
FEPS HQ (Expert meeting - Hybrid)

Time to build a European digital ecosystem

Recommendations for the EU's digital policy
European Parliament, Brussels

Shaping Europe’s digital model

Building alliances for a progressive European vision
Berlin, Germany

Back to the dark ages? The rise of a new retail model

Groceries at your doorstep in less than 20 minutes. That’s the promise of a relatively […]
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Find all news about Justin NOGAREDE

FEPS leads a new flagship research project on EU Strategic Autonomy with top European experts

Does the EU have the capacity and agency to set priorities and make decisions autonomously […]
Find all audiovisual with Justin NOGAREDE

‘Time to build a European digital ecosystem’ Flickr album

Photo album of the event ‘Time to build a European digital ecosystem‘ Despite its role […]

‘Europe’s Digital Strategy for the new EU cycle’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ‘Europe’s Digital Strategy for the new EU cycle’ expert roundtable at […]

Shaping Europe’s digital model Flickr album

Photo album of the Shaping Europe’s digital model event in the European Parliament In the […]
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