Head of Office, United Nations Liaison Office for Peace and Security (UNLOPS)

Before his appointment as Head of the UNLOPS, Rory Keane worked for the United Nations Special Envoy for the Sahel Region and served as the security sector advisor to the UN Special Representative in Liberia. Prior to that, he was Team Leader of the OECD International Network on Conflict and Fragility, European Commission Desk Officer for the DRC and Great Lakes, as well as the OSCE Spokesperson in the former Yugoslavia. Rory Keane holds a PhD in International Relations and a Marie Curie post-doctoral fellowship on EU peace and security policy.

Find all events with Rory KEANE
FEPS HQ (Expert meeting - Hybrid)

The future of armaments, disarmaments and human security

Foresight series: The long-term implications of the war in Ukraine
Find all audiovisual with Rory KEANE

The future of armaments, disarmaments and human security