Thainá LEITE

Project Management Coordinator

Thainá Leite works as Project Management Coordinator and is responsible for projects on International Affairs at FEPS. She holds a dual Master’s degree in European Studies from the Europa-Universität Flensburg (EUF) and the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). Her Master thesis focused on the 2015 European migration crisis.

Prior to joining FEPS in May 2022, Thainá worked for 2.5 years at the Permanent Representation of Malta to the European Union within the Cabinet of the Permanent Representative, where alongside the Antici team, she was responsible for the preparation and organisation of COREPER II, Ministerial Council and European Council meetings.

Before joining the Maltese Permanent Representation, she worked in the private sector as Corporate Intelligence Analyst at S-RM, a UK-headquartered global risk and intelligence consultancy firm, where she provided subject matter proficiency on the political, regulatory and corporate risk environment in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Between 2016 and 2018, she worked as Programme Manager at Women Political Leaders (WPL), a global network of female politicians, where she managed two advocacy activities: the #Girl2Leader Campaign and the Women European Leaders Community.

Additionally, she has previous professional experiences at two Brazilian leading think tanks: the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) and the Igarapé Institute.

She speaks Portuguese and English. She has a good knowledge of French and some knowledge of German and Spanish.

Find all news about Thainá LEITE

FEPS Delegation attends T20/C20 Midterm Conference in Brazil


FEPS mission to Brazil


President Lula da Silva meets with FEPS and Plataforma CIPÓ

The Brazilian President was present in Brussels in the context of the EU-CELAC Summit
Find all audiovisual with Thainá LEITE

Brazil-EU: Parliamentarians’ exchange

How to strengthen cooperation on the climate and sustainable development agendas

Coming together for a Just Transition

Linking climate action and social justice in Europe

EP Open Day 2023

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