Towards a Child Union

Even before the pandemic, 23 million children in the EU were at risk of poverty and social exclusion. The pandemic has further exacerbated children inequality and it is now time for the European Union to act.

On the occasion of the World Children’s Day (November 20), more than 300 prominent figures from the world of politics, academia and civil society have joined a Call to demand a rapid entry into force of the European Child Guarantee and a Next Generation EU funding that truly works for Europe’s next generations.

A Call for a Child Union

EURACTIV - A call for a Child Union

Op-ed in Euractiv by Brando Benifei, head of the S&D group’s Italian Delegation and Rapporteur on the European Child Guarantee; Maria João Rodrigues, president of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS); Agnes Jongerius, head of the S&D Group’s Dutch Delegation, chair of Social Europe Network of the Party of European Socialists (PES); Christophe Rouillon, president of the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions.

Policy Study

Policy Study ‘Towards a Child Union’: Study carried out by FEPS in partnership with Progresiva Foundation (Slovenia), Pablo Iglesias Foundation (Spain), Reggio Children (Italy) and the Institute for Social Democracy(Hungary)
Country Specific feasibility study of the Child Union initiative (Hungary) by Maria Herczog

For a Child Union: a community that cares
Workshop, Friday 25 June 2021, 16.00 - 17.30 CET

Past events

  • Europe and Hungary investing in children! - Hungary (February 2022) | More Info
  • Towards a Child Union, Spain | Watch the event | More info
  • Towards a Child Union, Slovenia | More info
  • Expert webinar (May 2020): Towards a Child Union | More info
  • Expert seminar (February 2020): Towards a Child Union | More info

Progressive Post

Time for an EU Child guarantee: effective, inclusive and free - by Christian Morabito
For the establishment of a European Child Union - by Brando Benifei

On the same topic

Take part in the call for best practices on Childhood policies of the Group of the Party of European Socialists (PES Group) in the European Committee of the Regions. Read the call here!

FEPS Talks Podcast

Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, former President of Malta and current President of Eurochild and László AndorFEPS Secretary General

Dr. Maria Herczog, senior policy analyst at Institute for Human Services, Columbus, Ohio, and chair of the Family, Child, Youth Association in Budapest, Hungary and David Rinaldi, FEPS Director of Studies and Policy


Even before the pandemic, 23 million children in the EU were at risk of poverty and social exclusion. The pandemic has further exacerbated children inequality and it is now time for the European Union to act.

On the occasion of the World Children’s Day (November 20), more than 300 prominent figures from the world of politics, academia and civil society have joined a Call to demand a rapid entry into force of the European Child Guarantee and a Next Generation EU funding that truly works for Europe’s next generations.

A Call for a Child Union

EURACTIV – A call for a Child Union

Op-ed in Euractiv by Brando Benifei, head of the S&D group’s Italian Delegation and Rapporteur on the European Child Guarantee; Maria João Rodrigues, president of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS); Agnes Jongerius, head of the S&D Group’s Dutch Delegation, chair of Social Europe Network of the Party of European Socialists (PES); Christophe Rouillon, president of the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions.

Policy Study

Policy Study ‘Towards a Child Union’: Study carried out by FEPS in partnership with Progresiva Foundation (Slovenia), Pablo Iglesias Foundation (Spain), Reggio Children (Italy) and the Institute for Social Democracy(Hungary)
Country Specific feasibility study of the Child Union initiative (Hungary) by Maria Herczog

For a Child Union: a community that cares
Workshop, Friday 25 June 2021, 16.00 – 17.30 CET

Past events

  • Europe and Hungary investing in children! – Hungary (February 2022) | More Info
  • Towards a Child Union, Spain | Watch the event | More info
  • Towards a Child Union, Slovenia | More info
  • Expert webinar (May 2020): Towards a Child Union | More info
  • Expert seminar (February 2020): Towards a Child Union | More info

Progressive Post

Time for an EU Child guarantee: effective, inclusive and free – by Christian Morabito
For the establishment of a European Child Union – by Brando Benifei

On the same topic

Take part in the call for best practices on Childhood policies of the Group of the Party of European Socialists (PES Group) in the European Committee of the Regions. Read the call here!

FEPS Talks Podcast

Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, former President of Malta and current President of Eurochild and László AndorFEPS Secretary General

Dr. Maria Herczog, senior policy analyst at Institute for Human Services, Columbus, Ohio, and chair of the Family, Child, Youth Association in Budapest, Hungary and David Rinaldi, FEPS Director of Studies and Policy

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Time for an EU Child guarantee: effective, inclusive and free

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A call for a Child Union – Euractiv (EN)
