Governance and security in the Sahel

Tackling mobility, demography and climate change



This edited volume analyses the factors related to good governance in the Sahel, and it explores how the quality of governance is influenced by and can affect the management of demographic changes, climate change and mobility. This research is structured around four main axes: first, analysing the factors underpinning good governance in the Sahel; second, focusing on the governance of mobility, demography and climate to explore the relationship between governance and these issues; third, examining specific case studies, namely Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger; and finally, addressing the role of key international actors in the region, including the EU. Each chapter also sets out some key progressive policy recommendations for local and international stakeholders.

This book is the result of a project by FEPS in collaboration with Istituto Affari Internazionali, entitled “Governance and security in the Sahel: tackling mobility, demography and climate change”.

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Table of Contents

Foreword / Ernst Stetter and Nathalie Tocci, p. 7-8

Introduction / Bernardo Venturi and Vassilis Ntousas, p. 9-13

1. Hybrid Governance and Mobility in the Sahel: Stabilisation Practices Put to the Test / Luca Raineri and Youssouf Bâ, p. 15-38
1. The hybrid governance of fragile states in the Sahel
2. Governance and mobility: examples of bad practices
3. Conclusions: stabilisation versus good governance?

2. Climate Change, Mobility and the Demographic Dynamic in Burkina Faso and Mali: What Impact on Women and Children? / Nana Alassane Toure, p. 39-52
1. Differing views of climate change, its underlying factors and its consequences
2. From uncontrolled demographic dynamics to 360-degree mobility

3. Demographic Change and Migrant Movements in Niger: The Role and Impact of Governance / Hamidou Issaka Maga, p. 53-79
1. A poor country with a rapidly rising population
2. Governance coping with the demographic challenges: best to dodge the constraints
3. Diversified migratory movements
4. Governing migration: direct and indirect measures
5. Prospects and recommendations

4. Governance, Climate Change and Security Challenges: The Case of Lake Chad / Saleh Bala and Richard Ali, p. 81-99
1. The Lake Chad Basin and its security in the context of the Sahel region
2. Migration and transhumance as exacerbating factors in the Chad Basin crisis
3. Governance structures and practices in the Lake Chad Basin

5. An EU Integrated Approach in the Sahel: The Role for Governance / Bernardo Venturi, p. 101-124
1. The EU in the Sahel
2. Diagnosis of EU involvement on governance in the Sahel

6. From China to the Gulf Countries: The Impact of Foreign Powers on Governance in the Sahel / Anca-Elena Ursu, p. 125-143
1. China in the Sahel
2. En-Gulf-ed in the Sahel

7. Notes for Further Research / Luca Barana, p. 145-148

Abbreviations and Acronyms, p. 149-153
Contributors, p. 155-160

Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)
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