12:00 - 17:30
Brussels, Belgium (Hybrid)
What to do about right-wing populism?

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FEPS and KarlRenner-Institut organised the third iteration of the Next Left Lecture. The lecture ‘What to do about right-wing populism?’ was presented by Prof. Daphne Halikiopoulou, Chair in Comparative Politics, York University. She focused on right-wing populist parties, their multifacetedness and the diversity of their voters’ profiles. She also discussed the main points on which the progressives’ response should structure itself.

The Next Left Lecture and strategic colloquium are the new features of one of the longest-existing FEPS initiatives, the Next Left Research Programme. The latter has been run since 2009 with the support of KarlRenner-Institute and many other FEPS members, with the ambition to contribute to progressive thinking, propose innovative paths, and help reinforce social democrats on the local, regional, national, European and global levels.


12h00-12h30 Light lunch at FEPS HQ

13h00-15h00 Open lecture in the European Parliament followed by an expert meeting

15h00- 15h30 Coffee break

15h30-17h30 High-Level conversation debate at FEPS headquarters (Hybrid)

This event took place at both the European Parliament and FEPS HQ, Avenue des Arts, 46, 1000 Brussels

For more information, please write to Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training (ania.skrzypek@feps-europe.eu) and/or Céline Guedes, FEPS Project Officer (celine.guedes@feps-europe.eu).

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Karl Renner Institut
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