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The Politics of Polycrisis

Drawing on insights from key contributors from the EU and the UK, the book “The […]
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05 - 06/12/2024
Vienna, Austria

The new EU term – How to bring Europe on the path for a socially just and green growth

Next Left Focus Group meeting
29 - 01/12/2024
Tallinn, Estonia (Training)

Training of trainers third session

The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), the Foundation Max van der Stoel (FMS), and […]
Prague, Czech Republic

Social democratic failures and comebacks

Hard lessons to learn, inspiring examples to follow
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Find all Progressive Post on Ideological debate
Progressive Post

How Fidesz undermines Hungarian support for the EU


Christian Democracy’s crisis is bad for everyone – including the left


Time for grand narratives, not for footnotes


From major legacy issues to a strong legitimacy for the future – the centre-left in CEE in a search for a true renewal


The Czech right will rule, the left stays out of the Parliament

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Launch of the new Open Progressive University’s Ukraine programme!

We have launched the new programme ‘Progressive Ukraine’ in collaboration with S&D Group as part […]

FEPS at the PES Election Congress in Rome

A FEPS delegation travelled to Rome last week to participate in the Election Congress of […]

Call for tender – research and project coordination

This call for tender closed on 23/07/2023
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In the media

Durchhalten ist nicht unmöglich

by Frankfurter Hefte 06/12/2023
'Persevering is not impossible' Article by Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, on the future of social democracy in Europe

Polacy nieufni i “wyjątkowi” – “popandemiczne” badanie w UE

by TOK FM 22/05/2023
'Poles distrustful and "exceptional" - "post-pandemic" survey in the EU' TOK FM. Interview with Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, about the results of FEPS' European survey in six EU countries and the 'uniqueness' of the responses of the Polish people.

Santos Silva alerta que extrema-direita “é uma doença que pode ser fatal para a democracia”

by Observador 30/01/2023
'Santos Silva warns that the far-right "is a disease that can be fatal for democracy"' Observador article on Santos Silva's intervention during FEPS event 'Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it'

Santos Silva critica “lógica de descobrirmos roupa suja uns dos outros”

by Público 30/01/2023
'Santos Silva criticises "the mindset of airing each other's dirty laundry"' Público article on Santos Silva's intervention during FEPS event 'Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it'

PS promove conferência sobre combate aos extremismos de direita com Zapatero

by Público 30/01/2023
'PS organises a conference on fighting right-wing extremism with an intervention from Zapatero' Público article on Zapatero's intervention during FEPS event 'Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it'
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Find all audiovisual on Ideological debate

Post-election steps forward for EU socialists with Sergei Stanishev

🔊📺 Available on Spotify, Youtube and Apple Podcast In this episode of FEPS Talks we […]

Post-election steps forward for EU socialists with Sergei Stanishev

🔊 Available on Spotify and Apple Podcast In this episode of FEPS Talks we welcome […]

‘Bulgarian Social Democracy on the path to renewal’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ‘Bulgarian Social Democracy on the path to renewal‘ in Sofia, Bulgaria.

‘The transformation of the mainstream right in Western Europe’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ‘The transformation of the mainstream right in Western Europe’ Flickr album […]

Social democracy and the working class with Jonas Pontusson

FEPS Talks #146

Social democracy and the working class with Jonas Pontusson

Video FEPS Talks #146
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Network and Team


Director for Research and Training
Ania SKRZYPEK, (Skrzypek-Claassens), PhD, is Director for Research and Training at FEPS. She obtained her […]


Project and Partnership Coordinator
Graduated in Political Sciences at Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Céline also holds a Master […]