• cover book

    In this nightmare vision of cats in revolt, fifteen-year-old Alex and his friends set out on a diabolical orgy of robbery, rape, torture and murder. Alex is jailed for his teenage delinquency and the State tries to reform him - but at what cost?

    Issue #24 Progressive Post

2024 is gearing up for an exceptional electoral year: about 400 million citizens will elect a new European Parliament, the US might send Donald Trump back to the White House and, altogether, more than 2 billion people cast their votes in 50 countries. For European Progressives, it is time for back to basics, which, in an era of shrinking welfare states, increased inequalities and rising living costs, includes a return to strong and impactful social policies. Hence our Special Coverage The future is social highlights progressive ideas for a fairer Europe, which is at stake in these European Parliament elections.

The transformative role Progressives can play is also at the core of the Dossier The art of progressive governance in turbulent times: European Social Democratic governments have successfully managed the Covid-19 crisis, made key contributions to shaping European recovery, and can play a decisive role in the future. However, the increasing strength of the radical right looms behind many of this year's elections – it could even impact the war in Ukraine. The Focus on Ukraine: two years of full-scale war underlines this risk and the conflict's implications on the Ukrainian people's difficult path to democracy. Ahead of this new electoral cycle, we also reflect on women's role in politics. The Dossier Women in politics: beyond representation looks at the crucial contribution that women in the European Parliament have made to key decisions that truly boost women's emancipation and the advancement of society at large.

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The Progressive Post is the political magazine of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS). It gathers renowned thinkers, experts and activists from the world of politics, academia and civil society, provides critical analysis of policies, and clarifies options and opportunities for decision-makers.

Our ambition is to undertake intellectual reflection and debate for the benefit of the progressive movement, and to promote the founding principles of the European Union: freedom, equality, solidarity, democracy, human dignity, as well as respect of human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law.

With a focus on EU politics, our crucial interest is the state and future of Social Democracy. We offer a platform (in print and online) for finding progressive answers to climate change, uneven development and social inequality in the European as well as global context. We invite our readers to explore with us the contradictions of our time and our authors to put forward arguments for peace, sustainability and social justice.

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The housing crisis in Europe is becoming increasingly urgent. In the past, it mainly affected low-income and vulnerable categories (including workers, migrants, youth and single parents). Today, however, middle-income groups too often see half of their salaries eaten up by rents or mortgages. Housing insecurity and housing costs also impact people's health and well-being. In the […]
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There's a big talk in Brussels and in some national capitals about boosting the European single market to promote the EU's industries and its global competitiveness. The question, however, is: for what, precisely, do we want to be competitive? In this dossier, the Progressive Post wants to remind EU decision-makers and stakeholders that relaunching one of […]
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In this year of super-elections, with the European elections in June and the US presidential election in November, the question of defending liberal democracies and electoral processes from the escalating threat of ever-more sophisticated digital manipulation and disinformation has become paramount. In this new dossier, we analyse how disinformation tactics – often carried out by foreign […]
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European integration has long been skewed towards the economy. Proposals for parallel social integration have been around for many years but only got a real boost with the proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights in 2017. In the electoral year to come, its 20 principles on equal opportunities and access to the labour market, […]
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Women in politics do make a difference. It is not just a question of fair representation of half of mankind, of quotas and seats in parliament. Obviously, women's underrepresentation at all levels of decision-making constitutes a severe democratic deficit, and gender parity is still far from being achieved all over the world. Yet, besides these significant […]
Our topics
Implementing the freedom to stay
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Digital & Industrial Policy
The Democratic Shield: safeguarding democracy in the age of AI
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Navigating the greenlash
Putting people at the heart of climate action in Europe
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The 2024 super-election year: navigating the geopolitical disinformation maze
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Gender Equality
Women in Politics do matter
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For the sake of Europe: getting serious about strengthening European Works Councils
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Is it time to turn down the volume on the migration debate?
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Political Europe
Hungarians hide the pain
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25 April, a very special democratic revolution
A personal memoir
Read more about 25 April, a very special democratic revolution