Special Newsletter 27 June 2024 – 💶 Join the “Tax the EU Billionaires Day”!

❗The richest 1% owns 1/2 of European wealth!

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Taxing great wealth to finance the ecological and social transition


💸 Do you know that the richest 1% in Europe owns half of European wealth?

Join us for the ‘Tax the EU Billionaires Day’ to promote the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “Taxing great wealth to finance the ecological and social transition”.


🖊️ You just need to sign and share!

It takes 25 seconds!

Why? Who? How?


  • Workers pay a tax rate higher than billionaires!
  • Since 2020, the five richest billionaires increased their wealth by 76% while 99% of EU citizens became poorer!
  • A wealth tax of only (!) 5% on Europe’s multimillionaires and billionaires could bring 286.5 billion € each year!


You need more arguments? Check the report commissioned by the G20 Presidency this week proving that a minimum tax on the world’s super-rich is not only a must but also feasible!


Oxfam, FEPS, PS, Nordic trade unions, and several individuals and organisations are urging the European Commission to propose legislation on a European wealth tax.


💶 Taxing billionaires would bolster the EU’s resources, enabling us to fight inequalities and support a just ecological transition, on top of creating a fairer tax system 

We have made significant progress with the support of over 200,000 signatories, but much more is needed to reach the mandatory one million signatures by 9 October 2024.


Let’s come together on social media on 27 June and mobilise our networks to reach the goal! 

How can you join us on this “Tax the EU Billionaires Day”❓


Sign and encourage your network to sign and share the petition via social media or any other means ⬇️


  • Post or repost:

      – LinkedIn post

      – Facebook post

      – Instagram post

      – X

  • Forward this email to colleagues, activists, politicians and other influencers
  • Promote the official European citizens’ initiative in all of the actions
  • Use the social media material already prepared
  • WhatsApp your network using the available templates 
  • Tag Oxfam, Thomas Piketty, FEPS, PS, Paul Magnette, Aurore Lalucq and/or other partners to your liking 
  • If you are part of an organisation, use your newsletter and social media to encourage your network to sign
  • You can even record a short video of yourself stressing the relevance of this citizens’ initiative and the need for a European tax on great wealth and post it on your social media (inspiration can be found here)


Let’s pave the way for a fair tax system and for a just and sustainable future in Europe together!



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Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Avenue des Arts, 46 – 1000 Bruxelles

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