#68 FEPS Talks ‘The generational impact of the coronavirus pandemic’

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Understanding youth engagement in the 2024 European elections

Voices of Hungarian youth

An analysis of two decades of opinion trends (2000-2020)

How young people facing disadvantage view democracy in Europe 

Builders of Progress series
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Right turns and Left leans: A New gender divide in young voters? with Gefjon Off

Right turns and Left leans: A New gender divide in young voters? with Gefjon Off

Eastern Germany Votes: Far-Right Gains and European Implications with Sabrina Repp

Eastern Germany Votes: Far-Right Gains and European Implications with Sabrina Repp

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FEPS HQ, Brussels

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Lessons from the 2024 European Elections on strengthening young people’s engagement through effective social media strategies
03 - 04/05/2024
La Hulpe, Belgium (Training)

Training of trainers first session

Vienna, Austria and Brussels, Belgium

European Political Academy

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FEPS renews its support to ULB students’ magazine Eyes on Europe


Europe’s largest Gen Z-focused research ever conducted


New report shows young Europeans fear war spreading across Europe and call on EU countries to spend more on defence


FEPS renews its support to ULB students’ magazine Eyes on Europe

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In the media

‘Boomerang’ youth head home as housing crisis bites

by Euractiv 11/10/2022
Builders of Progress - NextGen survey

Omnibus Dibattito

by La 7 19/05/2022

Mehr als 2 Drittel der jungen Menschen Angst vor einem Krieg in Europa

by STOL 19/05/2022

I giovani hanno paura della guerra in Europa. E vogliono più spese militari

by 24 Ore 19/05/2022