Interview with Maria Joao Rodrigues, FEPS President, during UNited for a Different Migration

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Progressive Yearbook 2025

2024 was announced as a ‘super election’ year. In fact, about half of the world’s […]

Meeting the challenges from the populist right

A study of voter attitudes towards welfare and immigration in Denmark, Germany and Sweden

Progressive Migration Group Recommendations

The Progressive Migration Group (PMG) is a network of African and European migration experts established […]

The new European solidarity mechanism: Towards a fair sharing of responsibility between member states?

New Pact Implementation series
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‘Realising the ambition of the Summit of the Future’ Flickr album

Co-organised by the UN Office in Brussels and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies – FEPS, participants at the post-summit […]

‘Implementing the New Pact’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ‘Implementing the New Pact‘ Flickr album in Brussels. Amid a shift […]

‘T20/G20 Inputs for the SOTF’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ”T20/G20 Inputs for the SOTF‘ event at the UN Summit of […]

‘A New Global Deal – Reforming world governance’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ”A New Global Deal‘ event at the UN Summit of the […]
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29 - 31/01/2025
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Progressive Migration Group delegation to Addis Ababa

After the Progressive Migration Group (PMG) successfully presented their findings in Brussels in September 2024, […]
FEPS HQ, Brussels

FEPS New Year Reception & Progressive Yearbook launch

6th edition
FEPS HQ, Brussels (Expert meeting)

Meeting the challenges from the populist right

Publication launch
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Ahead of G20, FEPS president at the T20 and C20 Summit 2024

FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues actively participated in the T20 and C20 Summits 2024, held […]

FEPS at the United Nations Summit of the Future

FEPS participated in the Summit of the Future, which took place in New York on 22 and 23 September […]

FEPS Delegation attends T20/C20 Midterm Conference in Brazil

The T20 Brazil Midterm Conference, from July 1 to July 3, convened T20 Brazil members […]

FEPS represented at T20 Brasil International Advisory Council

FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues has been invited as a representative of the foundation to […]
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In the media

Las COP ya “no sirven” y deben ser reformadas, claman expertos en política climática

by La Vanguardia 15/11/2024
"COPs are “no longer useful” and in need of reform, say climate policy experts" Read this article of La Vanguardia about an open letter sent to Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, calling for a comprehensive reform of the climate conferences. Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, is among the signatories.

Italy’s scheme to offshore asylum claims should not be a model for the rest of Europe

by The Guardian 16/10/2024
Article from The Guardian which references the policy study "Responsibility-sharing or shifting? Implications of the New Pact for future EU cooperation with third countries" by FEPS, FES and EPC.

Une réforme de l’UE qui intéressera forcément les Suisses

by Le Temps 24/11/2023
'EU reform bound to be of interest to the Swiss', an opinion piece in Le Temps on EU Treaties changes by Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, Guillaume Klossa, Director of think tank EuropaNova and Daniela Schwarzer, Executive board member Bertelsmann Stiftung

« Le moment est venu de lancer un débat sur la réforme de l’Union européenne »

by Le Monde 22/11/2023
'The time has come to launch a debate on the reform of the European Union', an opinion piece in Le Monde on Eu Treaties changes by Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, Guillaume Klossa, Director of think tank EuropaNova and Daniela Schwarzer, Executive board member Bertelsmann Stiftung