The new Screening and Border Procedures: Towards a seamless migration process?

New Pact implementation series

Policy Study


This policy study focuses on screening, border asylum processing and border return procedures following the newly adopted reforms introduced by the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. These three stages are part of the Pact’s revamped procedural set-up, which is meant to streamline, simplify and harmonise procedural arrangements in the reformed Common European Asylum System (CEAS). 

Creating a seamless border migration process can be beneficial, especially in light of mixed migration flows and irregular arrivals. At the same time, challenges may arise due to short processing time and inadequate material conditions, while efficiency may also more broadly be prioritised over the quality of processing. The deprivation of liberty and restrictions to freedom of movement are further points this study dedicates particular attention to. 

Implementing the new rules in a protection-oriented manner will be instrumental in realising the Pact’s goals in compliance with member states’ obligations under refugee and human rights law. To this end, this policy study raises points for further reflection that could feed the thinking of EU and national policymakers and administrators, international organisations, and civil society, in carrying out and supporting implementation. The study points to several possible initiatives, including actions to ensure adequate financial support, guarantees in relation to deprivation of liberty and for the protection of vulnerable applicants, as well as effective monitoring in the new system.

“The new Screening and Border Procedures: Towards a seamless migration process?” is part of the New Pact Implementation series, written in cooperation with the European Policy Centre and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. It focuses on different aspects of how the New Pact on Migration and Asylum should be implemented. 

European Policy Centre (EPC)
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