FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues gave this powerful speech at the #BeyondGrowth event in the European Parliament.

ℹ️ https://bit.ly/BeyondGrowth23

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Climate progress in the EU and the world

FEPS Primer series - Stephen Minas

The real effects of Next Generation EU

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A positive narrative for a Just Transition

An approach to a more people-centred communication

Inequality and populism

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25 - 26/10/2024
Budapest, Hungary

Call to Europe – A free Hungary in a stronger Europe

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Siena, Italy

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Agenda setting for a union at a crossroad
Torrés Vedrás, Portugal (Training)

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FEPS Training Session during YES Summer Camp 2024
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In the media

Controversial Hungarian Gets EU Health Portfolio Nomination

by Medscape Medical News 18/09/2024
Read this article on the controversial appointment of Hungarian Olivér Várhelyi by Ursula von der Leyen as Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare—a candidacy strongly questioned by László Andor, FEPS Secretary General

Podcast interview on the new European Parliament

by Encompass 23/07/2024
Listen to this podcast featuring László Andor, Secretary General of FEPS, and Paul Adamson, Founder of Encompass, as they explore the rise and impact of Viktor Orban and the shifting power dynamics in the European Parliament.

La ultraderecha se reorganiza para devorar a los populares en Europa

by El País 03/06/2024
EL País article focuses on the changing relationship between the mainstream right and the far-right. It mentions FEPS Policy Study 'The transformation of the mainstream right and its impact on (social) democracy' and includes interviews with some of its authors.

Orbánov boj z zunanjim sovražnikom ni bil kos inflaciji

by DELO 28/05/2024
In an article in Delo, László Andor criticises Viktor Orbán government's economic policies, such as not allowing Hungary to join the euro area, which he believes would have helped curb inflation. He also criticises the government for blaming external enemies such as the President of the European Commission, to cover up its own failures.