Human – Machine: new policies for the future of work

A team of fifteen European researchers is carrying out a study on the transformative impact […]

20 - 21/02/2018
European Parliament
Human – Machine: new policies for the future of work

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A team of fifteen European researchers is carrying out a study on the transformative impact of automation on productivity, employment and socio-economic equality in order to prove European policy solutions. The first research findings were presented in Rome on November and in Tallinn on December.

The conclusive event in Brussels, where the research group will present the final report, will take place in the European Parliament.

While AI is expected to deliver considerable benefits, it also creates new challenges and questions linked, for instance, to the future of work. From several points of view, there are many aspects of automation that are still largely unknown and need to be addressed. What sort of policy and institutional frameworks and values should guide AI design and use, as autonomous and self-taught machines become part of our everyday lives? And as AI permeates economies and societies, how can we ensure that it benefits society as a whole? Such questions become increasingly important to address and the European co-operation of all stakeholders is needed more than ever.

Therefore, the round-table event in Brussels will bring together policymakers, national and European parliamentarians, international stakeholders, AI experts from industry and academia, representatives of Socialist parties and of trade unions, to discuss opportunities and challenges of the AI era. It especially aims to give policymakers the tools they need to help their economies and societies prosper in a world that is increasingly digital and data-driven.

During the round-table event we’ll present the final report “Human – Machine: new policies for the future of work and we’ll also have a debate with the expected partecipation of : 

Sergei Stanishev – President, Party of European Socialists

Maria Joao Rodrigues – President, Foundation for European Progressive Studies

Patrizia Toia – Vice-Chair of Industry, Research and Energy Committee

Brando Benifei – MEP, Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

Giacomo Filibeck – Deputy Secretary General, Party of European Socialists

Chiara Gribaud – Head of Labour Department, Italian Democratic Party

Diego Ciulli – Public Policy Manager, Google

David Rinaldi – Senior Economic Policy Advisor, Foundation for European Progressive Studies

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