CAN I CHANGE MY FUTURE? Progressives ways for the European Union

A high-level conversation organised by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), with the support of the […]

00:00 - 00:00
ISCTE - Instituto Universitario de Lisboa - Avenida Professor Anibal Bettencourt. Building 2 Northern Entrance. Room B103
CAN I CHANGE MY FUTURE? Progressives ways for the European Union
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A high-level conversation organised by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in the framework of the 2018 PES Congress.

7th December 2018 – 09:30 – 11:00 am

Languages: English/Portuguese

LIVE IN LISBON: ISCTE – Instituto Universitario de Lisboa – Avenida Professor Anibal Bettencourt. Building 2 Northern Entrance. Room B103 (For security reasons, registration is compulsory if you did not register for PES Congress, please, find the form below)


#FEPSinLisbon #ProgressiveEurope

In a context marked by a growing disconnection between the global level of issues, and the national or local level at which they are addressed, conservatives propose the status quo. Populist movements and extremist parties, for their part, capitalize on European citizen’s legitimate concerns and emotions to propose a simplistic inward looking, short term oriented and nationalistic fallback.

By bringing together a set of renowned progressive intellectuals, and basing on the results of its substantive work, FEPS intends to open a debate on the conditions that are necessary for the future European Union to effectively serve and protect its citizens and shape a good society.

For that purpose, FEPS panelists will explore what a future progressive European Union should look like and with what means it should be equipped to address the roots of the socio-political, digital and geo-political challenges it is facing today.

Chair: Maria João RODRIGUES, was elected as a Member of the European Parliament in 2014, becoming a member of the S&D Group, the second most important EP Group, with 190 members coming from the 28 Member States. As S&D Vice-President, she is in charge of general coordination and interface with the other EU institutions and members of the Committees of EMPL and ECON. In 2017 she was also elected to become the President of FEPS, which has about forty foundations across Europe and the world.

After being a Minister of Employment in Portugal, she was a policy maker working in several posts in the European Institutions since 2000, notably in the leading teams of EU Presidencies. During her work she helped deliver important outcomes such as: the Lisbon Strategy and the EU2020 Strategy; the EU agenda for globalization and the strategic partnerships with the USA, China, Russia, India and Brazil for a new growth model; policy; the new Erasmus for mobility, New Skills for New Jobs, The European Pillar of Social Rights, responses to The Eurozone crisis; and more recently, The Road Map and Annual Programming for the European Union.

In academic terms, she was a Professor of European Economic Policies in the European Studies Institute – Université Libre de Bruxelles and in the Lisbon University Institute. She was also the chair of the European Commission Advisory Board for Socio-Economic Sciences. She is author of more than one hundred publications, including several notable books.

José António VIEIRA DA SILVA is Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security in Portugal. He was born in Marinha Grande, in 1953. He graduated in Economics, in Instituto Superior de Economia. He was member of the Assembly of Republic since 2011. Between 2011 and 2015, he headed the ad hoc Commission for Monitoring of Financial Assistance Program to Portugal. He is Invited Lecturer of Instituto Universitário de Lisboa since 2011. He was Minister of Economy, Innovation and Development between 2009 and 2011.

He was Minister of Labor and Social Solidarity between 2005 and 2009. He was member of the Assembly of Republic between 2002 and 2005. Between 2004 and 2005, he headed the Commission for Labor and Social Solidarity. He was Secretary of State of Social Security between 1999 and 2001, and Secretary of State for Public Works between 2001 and 2002.

He was advisor of the Minister of Solidarity and Social Security in 1995, and general-director of the Statistics, Studies and Planning Department of the Ministry of Labor and Solidarity between 1997 and 1999. He was member of Economic and Social Council between 1996 and 1999.

He was Invited Lecturer of Instituto Superior do Trabalho e da Empresa between 1986 and 1999. He coordinated and participated in several studies related to the evaluation of public politics, sectorial and territorial analysis.

Mario TELÒ is Professor of International relations and “J. Monnet Chair”, Université Libre de Bruxelles and at the LUISS University, Rome. He is also Emeritus President of the Institute for European Studies (IEE, Brussels), was elected as a Member of The Royal Academy of Sciences in 2006.. He served as consultant for the EU Commission (2001-2006), the Presidency of the European Council ( 2000, 2007) as well as for the E.P. He published: Europe. A Civilian Power?, Palgrave, 2005; European Union and New Regionalism, (ed) Ashgate,2001, 2007 and 2014) International Relations. A European Perspective, Foreword by R.O.Keohane, Ashgate 2009 (in French in 2008 and Mandarin in 2011), The EU and global governance, Routledge 2009 and EU foreign policy, 2013., Politics of transatlantic trade negotiations, Ashgate 2014, Interregionalism and the EU, Ashgate, 2014 Receently he published: Regionalism in Hard Times, Routledge, 2016.

Visiting professor in many European, American (among them Fundação Getúlio Vargas) and East Asian Universities (CFAU, Wuhan, Fudan, Macao, Bandung, Hanoi, Chulalongkorn), he was Senior scholar of the global research networks GARNET (FP6) and GR:EEN (FP7) and still is coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus doctoral program GEM (“Globalization Europe multilateralism”), including universities of 5 continents and 65 PhD students, among them Chinese,Indians, Philippinos, Japanese, Brazilian, Zimbabwan, South African, US citizens.He takes part in the public debate about the future of the EU since many decades.

Gesine SCHWAN was born 1943 in Berlin, 1971 Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the Free University Berlin, 1977 – 1999 Professor of Political Science – particularly of Political Theory and Philosophy, 1985 to 1987 President of the German Association of Political Science (DVPW), 1993 to 1995 Dean of the Department of Political Science at the Free University Berlin, October 1999 to September 2008 President of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), 1977 to 1984 and again since 1996 Member of the “Commission for Fundamental Values”.

From 2002 to 2009 Co-Chairwomen of the German-Polish Forum, since 2002 Member of the Board of Trustees of the German Institute of Poland (Deutsches Polen-Institut), since 2004 Member of the Commission of SPD. 2004 Candidate for the Presidency of the Federal Republic of Germany (nominated by SPD and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), from January 2005 to September 2009 Coordinator of the Federal Government for German-Polish Relations and cross-border Civil Society Cooperation with the Republic of Poland, 2008 – 2009 Candidate for the Presidency of the Federal Republic of Germany (nominated by SPD), joint founder and president until 2014 of the Humboldt-Viadrina School of Governance. Since 2014 Gesine Schwan is chairing the Commission for Fundamental Values of the SPD. Gesine Schwan is since 2014 president and co-founder of the Humboldt-Viadrina Governance Platform in Berlin.

András INOTAI had been working as General Director of the Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary between 1991 and 2011. At present, he is research director and and as of July 2013 holds a professor emeritus status. Dr. Inotai started working at the Institute in 1967 as a research fellow and, over the years was department director and deputy director of the institute. He had a working contract with the Kiel Institute of World Economy in 1971 and taught at San Marcos University in Lima, Perú in 1972-73. Between 1989 and 1991 he worked at the World Bank’s Trade Policy Division in Washington D.C. Between 1995 and 1998 he headed the Strategic Task Force at the Prime Minister’s Office in order to prepare Hungary for official negotiations with the European Union.

Since 1993 he has been visiting professor at the College of Europe, Bruges and Natolin and acted has visiting professor at the Columbia University, New York, in 2002. In addition, he taught till spring 2018 at postgraduate courses at the Center for European Integration (University of Bonn) and currently in the framework of the European Online Academy (Berlin and Nice).

Dr. Inotai’s research focuses on global and European economic issues, comparative economic development and „integration maturity” of the new member countries, further enlargement of the EU towards the Western Balkan countries, and, most recently, on crisis management in the EU in general and in the Eurozone in particular, as well as on key issues of economic security.

He owns several domestic and international awards and is member of several scientific councils and editorial boards in various European countries.

Gustavo CARDOSO is Full Professor of Communication Sciences at ISCTE-IUL Lisbon, associate researcher at CADIS (Center d’Analyze et d’Interventions Sociologiques) and at the College d’Études Mondiales at FMSH in Paris. Member of CIES-IUL and Director of OberCom – Media Observatory in Lisbon. He is currently director of the PhD in Communication Sciences, the MSc in New Media Management and the ISCTE-IUL Postgraduate program in Journalism. From 1996 to 2006, he was adviser of the Portuguese President of the Republic, Jorge Sampaio, for Information Society and Telecommunications policy. From 2006-2012 he was non-executive Vice-President of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese News Agency Lusa. He is also a weekly commentator for the news channel TVI24.

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