CSW63 parallel events: FEPS participation

For the sixth consecutive year, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and Fondation Jean-Jaurès […]

11 - 15/03/2019
00:00 - 00:00
United Nations
CSW63 parallel events: FEPS participation

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For the sixth consecutive year, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and Fondation Jean-Jaurès will participate to the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) in the United Nations in New York by organising a series of side events on Women’s Rights in collaboration with women rights NGOs and our traditional partner PES Women. This year, the priority topic will focus on social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

1) Migrant Women and Girl’s Situation in the Francophone Space Programme / Banner

Monday 11 March 2019, 15:00-16:30

Organisation internationale de la francophonie (OIF) Representation to the UN

In partnership with CLEF, Organisation internationale de la francophonie (OIF), Réseau Francophone pour l’Egalité Femme Homme (RF-EFH) and Fondation Jean-Jaurès


Ndioro N’Diaye, Coordinator, Réseau francophone pour l’égalité femmes-hommes

Jocelyne Adriant-Metboul, President, French Coordination of the European Women’s Lobby (CLEF)

M Ashraf El Nour, Director, International Organisation for Migraiton, New York

Binouri Brice Monnou, President, Femmes et Contribution au Développement (FECODEV)

Marie Paule Grossetete, Vice-President, French Coordination of the European Women’s Lobby (CLEF)

Laeticia Thissen, Policy Advisor on Gender Equality and Women’s Rights, Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)

2) Work-Life Balance to Guarantee Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women More info

Parallel Event organised by UN Women and PES Women

Tuesday 12 March 2019, 8:30-10:00

In partnership with: UN Women and PES Women

Church Center of the United Nations, 8th Floor, 777 United Nations Plaza, NY

The aim of the parallel event is to exchange and put forward best practices on Work-Life Balance Policies across the world. Too often care and private-life responsibilities fall onto the shoulders of women while men spend disproportioned amounts of working time or in male dominated sectors and top-level positions. To combat this imbalance and inequalities in the social sphere and on the labor market, work- life balance policies need to guarantee that women can economically be independent and empower themselves as well equally participate in society in the socio-economic spheres.

In the beginning of 2019, the European Parliament together with the EU Member States and the European Commission found a fair approach in terms of Parental, Paternity, Second parent and Carer’s Leave. This directive should enable Member States to guarantee a fairer division of private / family responsibilities between women and men and thus allow women to equally participate at the labor market and thus close the gender pay gap.

While Europe is marking a milestone with this Directive, what are other regions in the world doing to advance in this field? What policies are they putting forward to promote women’s empowerment? Are these common approaches around the globe models that governments and women’s representatives can share and promote as good practices?

3) “ Fair Pay Political Roundtable”

Tuesday 12 March 2019, 15:30-17:00

Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations

871 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA

In partnership with Fair Pay Innovation Lab, PES Women and Fondation Jean-Jaurès

Side Event during the 63rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, organised by Fair Pay Innovation Lab (FPI), the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), the Fondation Jean-Jaurès and Party of European Socialist Women (PES Women).

The Fair Pay Political Roundtable will address how to translate fair pay principles into legislative practice. Equal pay for equal work and work of equal value has been high on the international agenda. There is ongoing international call for immediate and concrete action. In the Fair Pay Political Roundtable, experts from policy-making, NGOs, and academia will exchange on legislative approaches across the world.

The gender pay gap with its underlying causes is a global phenomenon: no country can report a wage gap of zero. There is strong support for equal pay, as an issue of fairness, and the readiness to act is immense. Irrespective of this consensus, however, women continue to be paid less for the same work or work of equal value.

4) “ Women in precariousness and poverty: which access to public services and social protection?”

Wednesday 13 March 2019, 16:30-18:00

Church Center of the United Nations, 8th Floor, 777 United Nations Plaza, NY

In partnership with Fondation Jean Jaurès and CLEF


Ghislaine Toutain, former French MP, Fondation Jean-Jaurès Adviser

The international context of women in precariousness

Yannick Glemarec, Deputy Executive Director, UN Women (tbc)

Focus on handicap

Claire Desaint, Vice-President, Femmes pour le dire, femmes pour agir (FDFA) & Réussir l’égalité femmes-hommes (REFH)

Stephanie Ortoleva, President and Director General, Women Enabled International (WEI)

Focus on severe precariousness

Sabine Salmon, President, Femmes solidaires

Representative from Women of Ethiopia (tbc)

Recommendations and conclusion

Jocelyne Adriant-Mebtoul, President, French Coordination of the European Women’s Lobby (CLEF)


Amandine Clavaud, Policy Advisor on Europe and Gender Equality, Fondation Jean-Jaurès, Morgane Bourgeais, Policy Advisor, CLEF

5) What kind of social protection in a feminist economy?

Friday 15 March 2019, 16:00-17:30

Armenian Convention Center

In partnership with the Women Assembly of Paris-Île-de-France and Fondation Jean-Jaurès


Laureline de Lichana, Vice-President of BNP Paribas New York and founder of the women professional network of Deutsche Bank à New York

Françoise Morvan, President, Women Assembly of Paris-Île-de-France

Elke Ferner, Former State Secretary, Germany

Louisa Renoux, Treasurer, Women Assembly of Paris-Île-de-France


Amandine Clavaud, Policy Advisor on Europe and Gender Equality, Fondation Jean-Jaurès and Laeticia Thissen, Policy Advisor on Gender Equality and Women’s Rights, Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)

Fair Pay Innovation Lab
Fondation Jean-Jaurès
PES Women
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